The Three Wise Men, -Or just those wise men, because according to history there are no indications that they were kings-, who, following the star of Bethlehem, traveled from far away to bring their presents to the Child Jesus, still receive millions and millions of letters from children who eagerly await your visit loaded with gifts. But how is it possible for this to happen? Since when do children ask their Majesties for gifts? We tell you all about the Letter to the Magi: where does this tradition come from? and other curiosities.
January 6: day of gifts and illusion
The big day is January 6. Although the night before it is already hard to sleep because of the nerves and it is possible that some lucky person has received their gifts in advance, although there is always a surprise to collect. In any case, the previous one is an afternoon of preparations, of dreams, of fighting against the desire to fall asleep, in some cases because we know that if we fall asleep, the Kings could pass us by, since they do not like to be seen enter houses. On other occasions, the battle is precisely against the dream that tries to defeat us, because we daringly want to take the risk and peek out of the door to see without being able to witness the magic.
The Kings are coming, yes. The wise men from the East. And they do it loaded with sacks with millions of packages, bags that try to respond to all those letters received written with all the faith in the world by the most innocent. Be careful that a letter from an adult also sneaks in, because we are all children deep down and on dates like these we give ourselves permission to bring out within ourselves, that one that has not grown despite the passing of the years.
It is not necessary to explain much more, since we have all experienced first-hand or, of course, very closely, how the wait and the arrival of the Magi are experienced. The one who has written the most and the least his letter, he has placed his shoes to indicate to the magician where he has to leave his gift. He has placed a bowl with water for the camels, with milk for the Kings and some sweet or snack so that their Majesties gain strength for their long journey.
We know their names very well, of those ancient men who continue to be bearers of dreams and desires. They are called Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar. And for them time does not pass, as incredible as it may seem. But how come we keep writing those letters? Let’s see.
Origin of the coming of the Magi loaded with gifts
More than two thousand of the birth of Jesus Christ. But origin of the letter to the Magi was born in the nineteenth century. It is what is known as the tradition of the Epiphany and the date is established as the night of January 5 to 6. It is a tribute to Saint Nicholas. In addition, on January 5, with the Epiphany, it is remembered that Jesus manifested himself to the non-Jewish world.
This is how this tradition arises and the traditions related to the Magi are emerging. For example, the first cavalcade of kings took place in the year 1886 in Alcoya Spanish municipality located in Alicante.
At first, the children leave their cards next to their shoes. It was a letter written exactly on the evening of January 5, so no need to have it written in advance like now. And it was that day and no other, a “magical” day, in which everything could come true, like receiving a new toy or new shoes at home. Later the idea arose of sending it by mail and, with the passage of time, of delivering it in person to the royal pages.
The cavalcade of Kings
The Kings Parade we have seen that it takes place for the first time in the year 1886. Beyond bringing together children and adults before a street show where candies and gifts are thrown and you can see and greet the Kings, among other beloved characters from the world of fantasy , have a religious symbolic value. And it represents the path traveled by the wise men to get from their original destinations and to the cradle of the child God. They do, as we know, following the star of bethlehem. Hence, the star is precisely the float that makes way for the rest, opening the procession.
The Roscon de Reyes
Another Christmas tradition that we have in Spain and that we love is to take the roscon de reyes. It is delicious and there are currently so many different flavors that the problem is deciding which one to choose: without filling, with filling, with truffle, cream, angel hair, pastry cream, without counting the new flavors that have been emerging, because this does not stop and pastry chefs are becoming more and more creative.
In addition to crowning us, or making us pay for the roscón, depending on whether we got the figurine or the bean, the roscón also has its origin, of course. It is not known for sure how the custom was born. But it is said that it can come from the romans. Although it has also been thought that this roscón may have a relationship with the advent wreath. After all, it is a crown, only in a gourmet, edible and delicious version.
Before, the roscón was reserved for the afternoon of January 5 or, even in some homes, exclusively for the 6th, to celebrate the arrival of the Magi. Currently it is common to see roscones de reyes from the beginning of Christmas, as another offer of sweets so that those with a sweet tooth can enjoy it throughout the month of December and the beginning of January.
Do you know the Christmas story? If it was not entirely clear to you, read this post: