Air gardens are an excellent option to decorate your walls and incorporate a bit of nature into your home. In addition, they are a good idea to reuse the cans of preserves. To make them, plants that do not require irrigation are used, so their maintenance is minimal.
- can of preserves
- Gripper
- metal file
- acrylic or glass
- Enamel paint (optional)
- stones to decorate
- pot moss
- universal glue
- Plant of choice
Choose plants that do not require watering and do well indoors. A good option is epiphytic plants, such as the carnation of the air, which do not require soil to survive since they feed on substances that they extract from the air. Another alternative is to use succulents.
The species you choose will live in your air garden thanks to the humidity of the environment. In case the place is very dry, moisten them with a cotton. Keep in mind that it is very important that they receive enough light so that they can photosynthesize.
1. Clean the can well with soap and water to remove any food debris. Dry it completely and remove the labels. It will be better if you use a shallow can, like tuna.
2. If the can didn’t have an easy opener, use the pliers to bend the ridges on the opening inward. With the metal file, go over the edges so they are flat and smooth.
3. Paint it a color you like. This step is optional, you can leave the can as it is if you like it better.
4. Place the can on top of the acrylic or glass and draw its outline. Keep in mind that the piece you cut out needs to be slightly smaller than the can to fit inside it. Cut out the circle you drew and divide it into two parts.
5. Glue one of the acrylic or glass halves to the can. You can also remove the bottom of the can and make both “walls” transparent, covering one end completely with the glass or acrylic, and the other only halfway.
6. Fill your garden like a terrarium, using small stones and then moss. It is important that the stones are clean and not salty. Next, add the plant.
7. Put a washer on the back of the can and hang it on the wall.
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