Japanese grandfather exploits the nets with his watercolors

There are people who fill us with motivation, such is the case of this man who has captured the attention of thousands of digital users due to his great artistic talent that goes beyond the screens and leaves a positive mark.

On his channel known under the name “Watercolor by Shibasaki”in Spanish, “The Shibasaki Watercolors”shares information about drawing and painting courses with its community.

In addition, he has the unconditional support of his loved ones, usually his adored grandchildren and his pets join the videos.

His videos start with a welcome message: “Good morning, I’m Shibasaki. How are we?”, expresses the artist smiling. His house is his favorite place, there he completes the setting with a smartphone, a reflex camera and a lighting device.

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Detail, professionalism and a lot of color when communicating his great passion: art.

“When I was little, we didn’t even have a television at home”explained to the AFP. “I never would have imagined that a time like this could exist”. And he emphasized that for him, being connected with people from all over the world is “like a dream”.

Undoubtedly, the artist’s words are moving and challenging since his achievements are the merit of effort, dedication, perseverance and love for artistic expression. A great example that dreams are possible and can be achieved!

Behind each audiovisual piece, the innovation, creativity and professionalism that transcends any limit imposed by age is revealed.

In times where digital platforms force us to adapt to news and updates, Shibasaki He is a social media icon. Bravo, it’s a joy to share your story!

In fact, the Japanese art teacher in his workshop located in Isumi, hangs a plaque from the platform Youtube in recognition of having reached one million subscribers on his channel, on May 25, 2022.

A not minor detail is that, during the pandemic of the covid-19 His channel saw a never-before-seen increase in followers as he had a brilliant idea that caught the attention of his entire community: He invited them to draw with him and showing that art and fun have no barriers.

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