Is it true that drinking coffee affects the size of your breasts? This is what the experts say

Much has been said about the effects of coffee on health, but now it has gone a little further. Recent studies indicate that drinking it in excess could decrease the size of the breasts.

One of the investigations that indicates this was carried out in 2008 at the University of Lund, in Sweden. This work had the objective of verifying if the intake of coffee in conjunction with the CYP1A2 * 1F genotype has effects on breast cancer.

CYP1A2 enzymes are responsible for metabolizing coffee, and also estrogens. As it was hypothesized that the size of the breasts is related to the risk of breast cancer, the experts investigated whether the substances that make up this infusion have any effect on the development of this disease.

The study concluded that drinking coffee does not reduce breast size, but it did affect tissue in certain women with certain genes, which seemed to reduce their risk of cancer. Those who drank the most coffee were those who wore the smallest bra size. It is a genetic relationship, not a consequence that affects all women equally. It is an effect on the composition of the tissue, not necessarily its quantity.

It was also found that among women using hormonal contraceptives, there was no relationship between the CYP1A2*1F gene and breast size.

Later studies seem to have confirmed that coffee is a great ally in the fight against breast cancer. Scientists also found that some of its substances, such as caffeine, hydroxyl hydroquinone, and kahweol, decrease the likelihood of developing the disease, as they help slow down the development of cancer cells.

Researchers have conducted over a thousand studies to examine this in depth, with mixed results. Early research showed that coffee might increase the risk of some types of cancer. Since then, however, larger and better-designed studies have weakened those conclusions. And many of the latest studies link drinking this tea with a lower risk of some types of cancer, including prostate, liver, endometrial, mouth and throat.

But in some of these studies, the benefit was found in people who drank four to six cups of coffee a day, which is a lot. Too much caffeine can interfere with sleep, trigger migraines, and cause digestive problems. And if you drink it with cream and sugar, the added fat and calories can contribute to weight gain, which increases your risk of many types of cancer.

If you are worried that your hot drink in the morning, afternoon or evening will have negative consequences on your health, you can always consult your doctor. The ideal is to apply the phrase: “Nothing in excess, everything in moderation”.

And you do you think?

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American Cancer Society

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