Although it may seem like it, the loom of abundance, also known as flower or mandala, has nothing to do with feminism. It is a kind of “game” developed for a long time and despite that, today many do not know what it is, much less how it works. So most people do not know if it is an investment or a scam.
However, the loom of abundance is still carried out in different ways that for many is often even more confusing. Therefore, it is important to know everything about this flower or mandala of abundance and thus avoid falling into a scam.
What is behind the loom of abundance?
Fulfill all your dreams, take control of your life, start that business you always wanted, travel the world and above all, be happy.
These are some of the motivational phrases that appear as letters of introduction in the loom of abundance. A practice that, despite being prohibited in some parts of the world, in countries like Argentina is expanding very quickly, especially among women.
But what is the reason? This system presents itself as a tool for female empowerment, although it is not about investing in a collective social project. If not to multiply only the investment made at the individual level and this, in some cases, does not even happen that way, so it falls into a scam.
So it is essential to know everything you need about this “game” known as the loom of abundance. Above all, what is it and how does this practice that has returned to Argentina work.
What is the loom of abundance?
It is known as the “Loom of Abundance” or the “Flower of Abundance”, although it can also appear under other names. Basically, a loom consists of making the investment of a certain amount of money and, in time, receiving that sum multiplied several times.
The money that circulates is not called by its name, but is often referred to as a “gift”. Now, these “gifts” do not come by themselves. To receive the amount of money invested multiplied, each woman who enters the loom has to invite another number of women.
These women are usually people who are part of their closest circles. They, to enter the flower or loom of abundance, must give their “gift” and thus help complete the flower of another.
But how does an abundance loom really work? Is it safe to make the investment or is it just a scam? You will see all the answers below.
How does the loom of abundance work?
The loom of abundance model promises that, after four weeks, whoever enters will receive the money of their investment multiplied by eight. The amount of starting and ending money can vary significantly; but, in all cases, what is formed is a pyramidal structure. Even paradoxically, it is presented as a circle or in some cases, as a mandala.
For example, in a flower or loom of abundance where 15 women participate, there are eight who enter the “fire” phase; which are the ones in the outermost places of the scheme. These eight give their money to the one in the center, which is in a phase known as “water” and it withdraws.
At that moment, the flower splits in two, occupying the center of each of them, the two women who were in the position closest to the center (going from the “earth” phase to “water”). Now, the four women who have remained as outer petals will have passed from the “fire” phase to “air”. Therefore, they must each summon two new members to complete the eight petals again; and so on. The question is until when.
Why? For the simple reason that the loom of abundance is a structure whose very mechanics make it open and branch more and more. This infinitely over a population at some point, it will also be infinite.
Therefore, the result is that although it is not perceived in the short term and the person who enters possibly obtains his promised great “gift” (even more so with the popularity that this system is achieving). Some of the women who will come later will not be able to get more people and, therefore, will not be able to get paid. In other words, the loom of abundance stagnates, until new entrants enter.
It is believed that the abundance loom system was born more than 30 years ago in Canada and has already been developed in other countries such as Spain, Chile, Mexico and Peru. The result on these sites has always been the same: countless reports of fraud.
But that is not the only inconvenience that arises when accessing this flower or loom of abundance. Both when accessing and when withdrawing, the person does not receive any type of invoices or receipts; For this reason, the control of this practice by the authorities is not easy at all.
So is it an investment or a scam?
Those who are inside the loom of abundance deny over and over again that it is a scam, that the way it is developed is pyramidal. As well as, that the only objective is the individual benefit of each participant.
However, the truth is that, if we make the effort (difficult, because it is something constitutive) to clear the discourse with which the loom of abundance is presented. Then, we will see how this controversial practice that requires an investment on the part of each of the participants really works.
Mathematically, it would be like pretending that something that is multiplied to infinity at some point does not collapse under its own weight.
As by its very mechanics this system implies a mutual need, the abundance or flower loom is presented with a discourse of female empowerment. Which is a criticism of an exclusive and unequal system that unfortunately many women in the world must tolerate.
Although now, there are also other versions that include men due to the same limitation that this structure has in itself. In this sense, and by appealing to affectivity, the loom of abundance can become a very dangerous practice and even a scam.
Each woman who enters the flower of abundance incarnates, according to the place she occupies in the system, an element: fire, air, earth, water. Therefore, it is not only appealed to the possibility that a woman can achieve her dreams thanks to the help of others.
If not also, their own feelings, fears and desires are put into play. Separating those who question or those who do not achieve the goal with those same arguments (not trusting or not wanting enough).
In a society where gender inequality is still a harsh and daily reality, these discourses that articulate feminist and solidarity economy concepts with others from the emotional or spiritual plane. Love, energy, vibrations, etc., confuse and at the same time excite many women for whom having their own money opens up real possibilities.
For example, in places like Argentina, where there is also an economic adjustment and where there are many unemployed people. The situation is complex and it is logical that initiatives such as the loom of abundance attract attention. But you have to be careful, because from the very beginning, we could be causing another person, in the chain, to be left with nothing.
Although the situation is very complex with regard to the economic part, the flower of abundance may and may not be the solution you need. Keep in mind that an investment is required, which can sometimes be a bit high depending on the number of participants.
Also, you will have more chances of receiving the money if you are one of the first to enter the number of people necessary to start the flower. These possibilities will decrease quickly if you access after the loom has already started, because now, more people will be needed to be able to collect.
In other words, it is an unsafe practice that can cause you to lose your investment through a scam. This is one of the many reasons why it is not advisable to participate in this type of modality known as flower or loom of abundance.
The most recommendable thing then is that we look for other ways of building community, of generating synergy and thinking of a joint fruit of work and investment as a way out of the crisis and social and gender exclusion.
Sources: News, Ámbito.