Intuition: concept, how to develop it and characteristics

We explain what intuition is and what its main characteristics are. We also explain its importance and how to develop it.

What is intuition?

Intuition is the human capacity to understand situations, things, thoughts or feelings and be able to make decisions instantly without the intervention of the mind or logic. It is popularly called “gut feeling”, “hunch” or “inner voice”.

The human being perceives much more than what he is conscious of, all that information is stored and is part of intuition. The intuition It is characterized by giving quick and automatic responses because it uses the content of the unconscious to evaluate and react to a stimulus or situation without waiting for a rational or conscious reaction. Intuition associates the individual’s past experiences and acts based on beliefs and values. It differs from reason, which uses logic and the analysis of variables to relate to the internal and external world.

The intuition use non-verbal languageis based on perception and is linked to sensations. The type of thinking that predominates in a person with intuition is lateral thinking, which is creative and flexible, and in most cases the subject cannot understand or explain where knowledge comes from.

This type of knowledge It is complemented by rational intelligence and favors interpersonal relationships, helps the person to function in daily life and allows the recognition of feelings, sensations or gestures.

See also: Emotional intelligence

Characteristics of intuition

Some of the main characteristics of intuition are:

  • It is irrational. Intuitive knowledge is usually housed in the unconscious and cannot be understood from the intellect or logic.
  • It appears suddenly and immediately.Intuition acts instantly and without the intervention of a person’s reasoning. It manifests itself through a reaction that occurs in the individual in response to a certain stimulus or situation.
  • Take alternative paths. It is based on sensations, perceptions, personal experiences, feelings and not on the conventional way of acquiring and developing knowledge. However, it does not necessarily arrive at correct results.
  • It is before language. It manifests itself through the body, with emotions or feelings, long before the individual can describe what is happening in words.
  • It’s practical. It is related to decision making and problem solving.
  • It is not linearIt does not respond to a logical or rational pattern, on the contrary, it is presented in a disorderly manner and its understanding can only be accessed with time and the arrival of rational thought, which orders the ideas.
  • Helps people understand the world around them. He does it from a different position than logic because he observes body language, sensations and what is implicit in each interaction.
  • Appears automatically. The individual does not control his perceptions or sensations, but they happen independently of external conditions. This implies that intuition requires less effort than reasoning.
  • It has different ways of manifesting itself. He does it through images, words, dreams or impulses.
  • can be developed. Thanks to brain neuroplasticity, learning intuition is possible through techniques such as meditation and relaxation.

Intuition in philosophy

It is believed that The primitive human being was the first to make use of intuition by using this knowledge to make decisions that allow their survival.

Over the years, the idea of ​​intuition was studied by philosophers, who defined it based on different criteria, but always taking into account its immediate and automatic nature. Plato was the first to determine the existence of different forms of knowledge, among which the noesis.

In the 17th century, the rationalism of the French philosopher René Descartes defined intuition as that which is illuminated by the light of any notion involving the presence of the senses was abandoned. Already in the 18th century, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant discarded the idea that one does not know through the senses, but admitted that intellectual knowledge cannot be totally affected by empirical knowledge, so that not everything can be known through the senses.

19th century philosophers also gave their own definition of intuition.. Max Scheler, German philosopher, highlighted the presence of values ​​in individuals that are presented to them automatically and directly. In turn, Henri Bergson defined intuition as: “The intellectual sympathy through which the being is transported into the interior of the object to agree on what is unique and, consequently, inexpressible.”

Function and importance of intuitive thinking

Intuition is a form of knowledge present in all human beings, which helps the individual relate to the world based on values ​​or past experiences the information already stored in the unconscious.

This type of knowledge involves sensations and emotions, and what are commonly known as “feelings.” It is a capacity that allows making quick and automatic decisions and solve problems based on the individual’s own characteristics and with a view to personal development and the search for well-being.

Being an irrational source, intuition is often mistrusted, not taken into account or relegated to the side of intellectual knowledge, which is often considered more reliable or correct. Intuition serves as a guide for decision making and It involves having confidence and self-esteem to trust and believe in it. and always balance it with information that comes from other sources.

How to develop intuition?

All human beings have the intuitive capacity and, depending on the case, can develop it or take it into accountIntuition is often used when taking certain actions, solving problems or making decisions. For many people, it is difficult to recognize and then trust it.

To develop intuition, the individual must make space for it to manifest and thus be able to recognize it. For this, it is important resort to practices that generate climates and environments of calm and tranquility so that the person can get in touch with their inner self and listen to the voices of their intuition.

Then it is important to know how to differentiate what comes from intuition from what has other sources, such as fear or prejudice. To recognize it, you must know that intuition is that internal voice that delimits or marks a path that generates well-being. It is the decision that leaves the individual in a state of calm and conformity.

The next step in developing intuition is to believe in it and trust its capacity, even if it cannot be fully understood by reasoning. As it is a type of quick and automatic knowledge, people tend to distrust it and be tied to empirical and verifiable knowledge that usually inspires confidence in the face of that which cannot be explained.

It is important to mention that intuition is another capacity of the individual and, therefore, It needs to be balanced with other types of knowledge such as sensitive or rational knowledge.

Continue with: Deductive method
