Introduction: concept, types, parts and characteristics

We explain what an introduction is and what its general characteristics are. We also explain its structure and the types that exist.

What is an introduction?

An introduction is the initial part of a speech in the form of a summary to identify the topic to be developed, to arouse the interest of the reader or audience and to familiarize them with the topic. It can also be called an opening or prologue.

The introduction It applies to both a written text and an oral speech.A good introduction should persuade the reader or audience so that they feel interested in continuing to read or listen about the topic in question, even if they have no knowledge about it.

The word introduction It comes from Latin and means “inwards.”that is, it leads to what will be the core or argument of a speech. From a rhetorical perspective, the introduction is a way of anticipating and has the property of persuading.

See also: Expository texts

Introduction Features

The main characteristics of an introduction consist of:

  • Be brief and provide general information to understand what topic is going to be discussed.
  • Present in a clear and orderly manner the topic to be developed so that it justifies its presentation.
  • Contain language and terms that are easy to decode, except for scientific or specialized discourses.
  • Maintain the same grammatical style as the rest of the essay or speech.

Parts of an introduction

To prepare an introduction it is important to answer the following questions:

  • What is the topic to be presented? The answer must demonstrate the argument, with some of its characteristics and its causes (without literally explaining the conclusion of the hypothesis or discourse).
  • What was the interest in presenting the topic? The answer must define the origin of the interest, which can be diverse: professional, academic, informative or personal.
  • What was the methodology or strategy used? The answer must demonstrate the method chosen or required to carry out the hypothesis or development of the argument. For example, through research, theory, observation instruments, among others.
  • What is the purpose or objective of the topic? The answer must express whether the intention of the speech is to analyze, entertain, differentiate or understand a new concept on an already known topic.

Depending on the speech to be developed, Sometimes it is convenient to prepare the introduction when the work is finished. For example, in scientific research work, in which relevant data may arise during the development of information analysis.

Types of introduction

The introduction is part of a structure that applies to different types of speeches and compositions, such as:

  • The narration. It consists of a genre that, through different intellectual, audiovisual techniques, etc., introduces the viewer to the data of a novel or a story.
  • The musical score. It consists of a document that, through the language of musical symbols, establishes an introduction for the song and gives rise to the development of the different parts of the melody.
  • The popular science article. It consists of a scientific research or communication work, so it usually uses technical and specialized language. It must contain a concise and practical introduction that justifies the existence of the document.
  • The newspaper article. It consists of a document that can be opinion, informative or chronicle, and that provides detailed data about an event.