Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal and Diamond children: how to identify if you are one of them

They call them the children of the stars and they come with a very important mission to life and to humanity: to help raise awareness and remind us of who we really are.

Both physically and personally, they have particular characteristics that, if we know them, will allow us to identify them. They are very spiritual, talented and creative children, with very special gifts and a maturity beyond their biological age.

Therefore, they do not always fit into the conventional educational system, since they may not abide by the established norms, and are often misdiagnosed with attention deficit. Physically, they present a very wise, deep, pure and transparent look, capable of delivering unconditional love just by doing so.

The Star Children

The first to arrive were the indigos, in the 70’s and 80’s, and in some way, they paved the way for those who would come later. Each new generation is more evolved than the previous one, and the names with which they are identified are due to their aura and energy patterns.

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They arrived between the 70’s and 90’s, therefore, today we could call them indigo adults. Some of its main features:

purple auradirectly related to the sixth chakra or third eye.

♦ They have psychic, premonitory, clairvoyant abilities.

♦ They are very creative.

♦ Intuitive, sensitive and emotional, it cost them a lot in their time to be accepted as they wereboth by their parents, and by the rest of the environment.

♦ Rebels and non-conformists, great questioners of established norms.

♦ They need to develop artistic activities to channel their creative capacity.


They began to arrive around the year 2000, they are known as the peacemakersthis being its main mission: to show the path that leads to peace.

♦ They have the gift of unconditional love and compassion.

♦ They are very sensitive, affectionate, generous and empathic children.

♦ They love nature and animals, so they tend to be defenders and fight for their rights in a peaceful way.

♦ They are psychic and have telepathic abilities; very sensitive to surrounding energy.

♦ Sensitive to loud noises, screams and everything that is not harmonious in their lives. They like to be alone and in quiet places.


They are the third generation of children who have come to help humanity, and have many of the characteristics of the Indigo and Crystal, such as being psychic and telepathic.

♦ They are children with strong personalities, smiling and full of life.

♦ They are healers, have strong spiritual power and control over their emotions.

They have a mission to bring joy to their families and environment.

♦ Creative and risky.


They are the last to arrive they have and will have the mission of transmuting the energy of the planet, to a higher vibration of unconditional love. For that, they will need a lot from us and that the planetary energy begins to change, at an educational, environmental, communicational and spiritual level. Raising our levels of consciousness will be our task to help them fulfill their mission.

