If your child has trouble connecting socially, has a hard time adjusting to certain situations, and at the same time shows a high level of sensitivity, he may be part of the indigo children.
Perhaps you have ever heard or read about the indigo children, famous especially in recent times where the term has begun to sound more strongly. However, few know exactly what it is.
And it is that although it is a term used socially as well what crystal, diamond and rainbow childrenthe truth is that there is no empirical evidence to help detect whether they are part of these groups, in which people have special characteristics.
If it has happened to you that your child does not respect the rules, discusses issues that seem unfair, is hypersensitive and does not feel too comfortable in a group, then it is likely that he is part of the group of indigo children, famous for having special characteristics for their age.
However, although there is no specific study that determines it, There are some specific characteristics that both indigo children and crystal, diamond and rainbow children have that we will develop below so that you can guide you.
Indigo children: history and characteristics
Although the word is linked to a bluish color, nowadays it is usually related to talk about a state of evolution of people. That is why indigo children, famous for their characteristics, are recognized as beings with special powers, with a highly advanced mind.
It is said that the first indigo children arrived on Earth in the 1970s, but it was only in the 1980s that mass births of this generation were seen.. As these beings were known they did not support manipulations or unfounded orders, or those that they felt were unfair.
These attitudes, especially for that time, andThey were considered acts of rebellion and caused these indigo children to be taken as people with problems of social insertion and with few limits.
Despite this, however, according to people who study these generations,he Indigo children, famous for these behaviors, are a generation destined to break with everything that represses, with the structures that generate inequalities and are much more reflective than previous generations.
It is believed that this generation has come, and will continue to appear in the world, until societies understand some issues, there are fewer inequalities and they are more just and empathetic. Even, over time, they brought, albeit slowly, some changes, eliminating some rules that for years were considered immovable.
As stated, although at times the parents of these children may feel that they have difficult personalities to deal with, they should be attentive to know how to accompany them and not repress them, since everything they do is done for a purpose, and not randomly.
– They argue with the authorities. As said before, they doubt all the rules and some seem useless to them. But none of this is unjustified; They seek a world without so much inequality.
– Greater imaginative capacity. For this reason they are usually linked to issues related to art, writing, painting, sports and science, linked to the humanitarian side.
– Spontaneous. They are beings with very high levels of spontaneity since they hate routines and prefer that their day to day rotate and change.
– Hyperactive. Precisely because they hate routines, they tend to do many things at the same time. They have low levels of concentration, although they tend to do better if their body is in motion.
– Curious. As people with a high intellectual level and too much restlessness, they are curious to know everything that surrounds them and obtain an explanation of everything that, for their young age, can attract attention.
– Spiritual. They seek the meaning of their life through different religions and seek to improve the world.
– Psychic experiences. They may have premonitions or even apparitions or out-of-body experiences throughout their lives.
– Authentic people. Faced with situations of manipulation or misrepresentation, they feel annoyed, since they cannot stand falsehoods.
– Noble beings. Deep and sensitive. They greatly dislike lies and often have overdeveloped intuition.
– They don’t fit. They may have, in some cases, problems with anger and anger and for these same reasons they do not fit in socially. That is why they tend to feel annoyed surrounded by many people, so they look for spaces of solitude, as is the case with autistic people.
Differences between crystal, rainbow and diamond children
As mentioned above, in addition to the indigo children, there are other generations that share similar characteristics but differ in some ways. In addition, the times in which they appeared for the first time also differ, as well as the respective diverse social contexts. Here are some of them.
Around the year 2000, these children arrived who stand out for manifesting the power of love and compassion, as well as being very sensitive. Although they share these characteristics with indigo children, they differ from them by being peacemakers and mediators.
This is a generation that combines some characteristics of the indigo children with the crystal ones. Their mission is basically to bring joy to their family, friends and surroundings, and they come to show which is the path of peace and equity. They are super vital and have great control of their emotions, as well as a great capacity for forgiveness.
If your child has a sweet look, deep eyes and usually shows pure and intense love, and on some occasions has shown psychic powers, it is possible that he is part of this generation, which was the last to arrive. They have hypersensitivity and highly developed intuition.
Test for indigo children
Knowing the characteristics of each of the generations, it is likely that you can already realize if your child belongs to one of them or not.
However, some of the following questions may help guide you: Is your child gentle with others or outgoing? Does he have a peaceful or intense energy? When he doesn’t like something, does he demand that it be changed and emphasize the fact that it is unfair, or does he avoid confrontation? Is he self sufficient? Does he provide love in excess? Does he show hypersensitivity to issues that shouldn’t concern him because of his age? What kind of activities does he do?
The answers to these questions will lead you to know if it belongs to any of these special generations, and if so, to know which one it belongs to, although the important thing will be to know that your son is not like the others, but that he is special.
What is clear is that, beyond the different generations, such as indigo, crystal, diamond and rainbow, if you have already detected that it has the characteristics of any of them, you need to take this into account, do not let it go. and that above all, you do not want to inhibit them or force them to belong to the rest of society.
Even if you are not used to dealing with subjects with this type of personality It is key that you keep in mind that they have come to the world to leave some kind of teaching and to make societies a little more just, equitable and empathic. Therefore, if you think your child belongs to one of these generations, here are some recommendations so you can treat him.
– It is convenient that the I treat with respect and try to take their comments into account like the rest of the people, regardless of their age.
– Honor your different personality and not want to manipulate it It will be a plus point. Always keep in mind not to provide them with more information than they know, that is, not tell them what they are like, or what they have to do. Let them find out for themselves.
– Give them the space to make their own choices and solve their problems, guiding them but always giving them the space to find the answers on their own.
– If there is a rule they do not want to comply or that they do not understand, try to avoid anger and clearly explain to them why and not give as an answer “because yes, because it is like that”.
You already know how to detect if your child is an indigo child, famous for having these special characteristics. Have you already taken the test?
Source: Bioguide, Siquia and Personal Growth.