In this way you can know if a very dear deceased has visited you in dreams

While the death of a loved one can be a tragic and heartbreaking experience, many believe that they can still reach out to us, even after they are gone.

From spiritual people, to psychics, to authors, to everyday people, many people recount unexplained feelings and experiences that they potentially attribute to deceased loved ones.

Many people have the belief that those we love and die, sometimes remain among us and are precisely those who care for us even though we cannot see or feel them physically. Has it ever happened to you to vibrate its presence and believe that it could be there?

In general, when the duel is very hard and a short time has passed since that loved one left, many people claim to dream of them, but the dream is so real that when you wake up you are left with the feeling that it really happened and that it was to tell you something

Others are left with the unknown: they don’t know if they really dreamed it or perhaps it is that they want to see it so much that they usually imagine it. Psychology Today exposes these signs that will help you know if a loved one who has passed away has really visited you in your dreams.

  • In the dream you do not see him as a motionless, pale and cold body (as you may have seen him in the coffin), but as the person he was when he lived, perhaps jovial, cheerful, smiling, etc.
  • In some way he tries to make you understand that he will always be by your side and that he will never leave, even when you cannot physically see him or touch him, but he tries to convey peace and that he is fine.
  • In general, messages are not transmitted through linguistics but telepathically or with symbols.
  • Dreams dissolve before the recipient or cause a change in thinking, and he sees things more clearly, which manages to give him more peace and tranquility.
  • Usually these types of dreams are usually very intense, and when they end the person wakes up completely.

In order for you to better understand the reason for these “appearances” in your dreams, read the following points carefully:

  • Perhaps you did not say goodbye to that loved one as you would have liked, you lacked time or they had something pending to resolve.
  • That loved one wants to warn you about some situation or let you know that you are under their protection.
  • He wants to tell you that he is fine and that although he is not physically there, his heart will be with you, that you be at peace because he wants to see you well.
  • He wants to convey a special message, something that perhaps he needed to tell you in life.

Have you ever had such an experience? What was the feeling you had?

These are also other ways they show that they have tried to keep in touch:

1. Fragrance can be one of the strongest ways to know that a deceased relative or friend is nearby.

People commonly say that they smell their perfume or cologne. Some say they still feel that person’s unique scent.

2. Particularly significant objects, such as photographs or pieces of jewelry, that move from where they were left and appear in the path of a loved one, can be a great sign that someone is still nearby. The belief is that these objects are being placed in your path as a way of letting you know that they are still with you.

3. Probably the most common way to know that a family member or friend is nearby is that their presence can be felt. While this may seem like the least tangible, it is actually the sign that fully convinces most skeptics.

This detection can be as simple as an energy change in the room. It can be difficult to describe, because it can only be known or felt by the person who is with you. The sensation can become even more physical if a change is felt in bed or on the couch next to you.

4. Many people report hearing meaningful songs in different places to go to them. They claim that these are reminders that the person is still with them.

While some may think they are mere coincidences, many report that these songs are played at the very moment they started thinking about the person they have lost.

5. Strange activity surrounding electrical devices is often highly associated with the loss of loved ones.

6. It might be disconcerting, but the feeling of being “touched” when supposedly “alone” is a great sign that a deceased loved one may be close by.