If you always have cold hands, you should know this

Many times our body acts in ways that we do not understand. For example, even when it is very hot, our hands feel cold. This is not unusual, as it is one of the ways in which our body regulates body temperature and that does not have to worry us at all.

However, if cold hands become a frequent annoyance, it may be something else. Sometimes we have to pay attention to the temperature of our body, our feet and our hands to understand what is happening. Here we tell you what it can be.


The evil that afflicts many today. Anxiety causes sweating and makes the hands feel cold. The worst thing is that when we feel anxious, we feel the effect on our hands, which makes us more nervous and makes us sweat more. Thinking about the problem only makes it worse.

Raynaud’s syndrome

This syndrome causes the blood vessels to narrow in an unexpected way, which causes a lack of circulation in the hands and feet and creates that cold sensation. Although the origin is unknown, one in 20 people suffers from it and it is four times more likely to occur in women.

The syndrome usually appears before the age of 40 and requires medical attention to relieve symptoms.

Symptom of other diseases

This is the reason why we should not waste time if the problem becomes common. Cold hands can be a symptom of problems such as fibromyalgia, which is pain in the muscles and fibrous tissue; or pulmonary emphysema which, by the way, is accompanied by a change in skin color or causes the nails to look purple. It can also be one of the first symptoms of meningitis.


The hormonal imbalance, the changes that we face with age and the work of our body to adapt to its new reality, can also cause cold hands.

Neither can anemia be ruled out, a very serious problem that often arises from malnutrition.

Remember: that your hands feel cold from time to time is normal. Your body is a natural machine that adapts to different changes in temperature, but if you start noticing that it is more and more recurring, see a doctor and find out the reason why it happens.

Important: It should be clarified that Bioguía does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, Bioguía does not assume responsibility for these acts. The site is intended only to provide information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.


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