The proposal said “I described your ex with phrases from The Simpsons”: the hilarious thread that revolutionized Twitter. There was a huge number of phrases and memes from the famous yellow family animated series.
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The series created by Matt Groening sparks creativity
In addition, if the expressiveness of social networks is combined, the result is explosive. This is demonstrated by the recent thread of the social network where many people began to describe their old romantic relationships.
Some people just repeated phrases from the animated series, but others created memes. In this way, an environment of interesting answers began to be created; which caught the interest of a large number of people.
For example, some wondered what it means to dream about your ex-partner. Others said they missed their old relationships. Finally, there were those who just argued that they were better off alone.
Some of the more creative answers in this thread
Reading the answers is a fun thing. Therefore, we show some of the most entertaining cases. It happens that memes, ironies, some jokes and a whole humorous way of remembering an old relationship abound.
– One of the memes with the most likes is the one where the Suripanta melody is used, which is used by Homer’s father to make a woman fall in love.
– Another of the most used phrases is from Milhouse, who on one occasion remains as a watchman of a collapsing factory. The phrase is: “I saw everything, first it started to fall… and then it fell”.
– A very funny phrase is the chorus of the song: “My old Mula is no longer what it was”, to refer to the ex-partner.
– A scene where Bart falls in love with a girl and she breaks his heart was also widely used. The young woman takes the heart out of her chest, throws it in the trash and says, “You don’t need this anymore.”
– A phrase from Homer’s father stands out, which goes like this: “You remind me of a poem that I no longer remember, a song that never existed and a place I don’t think I’ve ever been to.”
– Also, an expression of Mr. Burns: “You can’t spend 5 seconds without humiliating yourself”.
The list is long, but people let their ideas fly in this thread that gained an unusual virality. In truth, people did nothing but enjoy themselves.
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Do you want to participate in this thread too? Well, you already know them: look for the account @Homer Said It and add your contribution for all.