And as? It would be the right question… Instagram has all the potential to allow all those who provide services to promote their flagship product. No complaints, here you just need creativity and passion for what you do. This blog article comes with different ideas so that you can promote that star product of which he is very proud, on Instagram.
No, you don’t have to do Ads right now
When we talk about promotion, we are not referring only to advertising campaigns on Instagram and Facebook Ads in which you have to invest some amount of money. Although that should be your long-term goal, when you start a business, we recognize that not everyone has the economic resources they would like to have and it is difficult to pay for advertising.
But this is not an excuse, because the wonderful advantage of social networks is the infinite visibility that they offer all businesses. Obviously, this is not about posting photos of that star product on Instagram every day, it is about creating strategies, researching, adding value, creating a community, prioritizing the needs of that ideal client.
Objective, buyer persona and defined strategies
Just because it’s a social network doesn’t mean it’s easy and we should take everything for granted. Like any other sales strategy, if you want to promote your star product on Instagram (both organically and through advertising), you need to have these elements well defined:
- Objective: what do you want to achieve with that product, what is your goal with that promotion.
- Buyer persona: you need to know who that potential customer is, interests, needs, problems, etc.
- Strategies: what will be the tactics you will implement to promote those products (both directly and indirectly).
What yes or yes you should do to promote your star product on Instagram
The first thing that we explain to you must be done in any product promotion strategy or in any action within marketing, now what must be done yes or yes on Instagram with any product?
Regardless of whether the product is a star or not, on Instagram there are several actions that are key in any publication, format, organic content or advertising.
- Value Content: Before selling or promoting you need to establish a bond of trust with that community, and this is achieved by sharing relevant information for that audience. The more you show that you know, the easier the end goal will be to achieve. The sale will be in your hands when that client trusts what you as a business are promoting.
- Constancy and engagement: Whatever your goal on Instagram, you have to show the algorithm your presence by being consistent in your posts or any type of interaction that generates engagement.
- Hashtags: the best tool for visibility and getting a new audience will always be these friends. Do not forget to include it if you want that star product to gain visibility.
- Creativity and copywriting: You need your flagship product on Instagram to stand out, so whatever the format, you need the art to engage and all the texts that accompany it to persuade that community.
Obviously here the list would be endless, because many other elements influence Instagram. But these are the main ones, if you want to know more we leave you with several articles and content that can work for you to start:
➡️ 20 ways to boost organic content on Instagram
➡️ Meet the 30 most used hashtags so far in 2021 on Instagram and TikTok
➡️ How can a service professional position himself with Instagram?
Ideas to promote your star product on Instagram
We are in a consultant blog, so we are going to develop these next ideas with examples of service consultants. 🙌
If you decide to publish a single image and you want to promote your product through stages (for example, in Academia de Consultores when we are about to do a launch we do one for recruitment, another for sale and a last minute offer); so here you could:
- Catchment: create images, carousels or educational videos on the theme of your product. Go drenching the community of the next release indirectly.
Example of @adc_consultores
As you will see, we began to publish topics related to the launch that we were about to do and there we took the opportunity to invite the free workshop. Here we already begin to prepare to promote indirectly and organically. The recruitment lasts several days before launching the promotion.
- Sale: after having captured, then the sale finally arrives… And no matter how much we do campaigns, we always rely more on the organic way of doing it on Instagram. You can publish the same videos, images or carousels, direct to the promotion or first educating and then remembering your flagship product.
Example of ADC image:
Example ADC carousel video:
- Last minute offer: the same, you can use any format to promote your star product on Instagram announcing the last hours of sale. We leave you an example carousel of what we did to promote the More Launches Course.
Look at everything we promote here and organically, so there should be no excuses to use Instagram.
- Create a Q&A to arouse interest and generate curiosity about the star product that you will promote.
- Talk about the benefits of your product and be genuine in doing so.
- Ask them to vote, knowing their opinion you can improve your promotion strategy.
No, it’s not just to do viral dances… Although you can move a bit to educate and promote. Take a look at this example that has brought excellent results, it even continues to add to the @conviertemas account
We already gave you several ideas with examples that we have applied ourselves, but in each promotion format (organic and paid) you should never forget the CTA (Call To Action), the calls to action are what will persuade that client potential to meet your ultimate goal.
Oh!, and if you want much more information about star products, business and Instagram, you can take a look at these articles that we will leave below:
✔️ Myths and truths of Instagram for service businesses
✔️ How to sell consulting services according to different niches (+ Examples)
✔️ How to create your star product in a service business