How to use cucumber to have a porcelain complexion

Cucumber is a cheap and very popular food for its delicious taste. But its freshness is not only limited to the special touch it gives to salads. It’s also a great skincare companion, and if you know how to use it, it can help your face look incredibly smooth, soft, and youthful.

Next, we tell you everything you need to know about it.

Cucumber for the face: benefits

Can you imagine why cucumber is so good for your face? That has to do with its natural composition.

  • Moisturizes and protects the skin

Cucumber is made up of 95% water. This makes it a powerful moisturizer for the face. In addition, it is very rich in vitamin E, a natural protector of the skin.

  • Delays cellular aging

Cucumber is rich in antioxidants, which delay cell aging. In addition to the aforementioned vitamin E, it has a good composition of vitamins A and C, which help to produce more collagen and elastin, thus delaying the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

On the other hand, cucumber also has astringent properties that reduce the amount of fat on the skin. This helps eliminate annoying facial acne, so common in adolescence but just as annoying at any time in life.

  • Helps deflate the skin

It is especially recommended after exposing the face to the sun, but also in any situation where it feels congested and inflamed. Due to its freshness and its anti-inflammatory properties, cucumber will always help you look radiant.

Easy mask with cucumber to apply on the face

Now that you know the benefits of cucumber, you are probably wondering how to apply it to your face. You should know that you can simply use cucumber pulp on the skin. With that alone you will feel some relief and decongestion.

But if you want an even better result, try this simple natural mask with two ingredients that are very easy to get.


– 1/2 ripe tomato
– 1/4 cucumber

First of all, you need to carefully peel the cucumber and tomato. Then, mix the pulp of both vegetables to form a homogeneous paste.

Apply on the face with circular movements, and leave for 15 minutes. Then she rinses with cold water and dries without rubbing.

What do you think? Did you know these properties of cucumber for the face?

Important: It should be clarified that does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, does not assume responsibility for these acts. The site is intended only to provide information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.


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