Creating infoproducts is an incredible way to diversify our business. Sharing all the necessary information so that other people can grow in a certain area is the best way to help. Although many times you need to update an infoproduct that has already been launched, they are still a good option, so don’t worry, today we will tell you how to do it.
What are the updates for?
The information is always in constant change and unless you make very specific infoproducts, with static information, you will have to update them at some point. In this way you can continue generating profits, becauseā¦ Who will buy an obsolete product?
Updates are due to changes, improvements, new information that makes our infoproduct much more loaded and that continues to offer what we promised. It is important not to lose what once made consumers prefer our product over others they could find on the market.
Promote that you are going to update an info product
Many times for this reason we do not make updates, we think “but how will they notice that it is updated if it has already been on the market for some time”. Well, if we don’t inform them, of course they won’t know, unless they happen to come in to see it again, so here’s what we have to do.
1. Create a new launch campaign: Make a new strategy, think of a super creative campaign concept that manages to connect with your target audience. You should not do it the same as the previous one, although clarify that it is an update of the infoproduct that you had already launched.
Mention all the new benefits it will bring and how you promised the first time, they will not find another like it on the market. Imagine the impact it will have knowing that you didn’t just leave him there, but you updated it to always offer the best. This will show a lot of commitment to your customers.
2. Promote: on social networks, these can be your best allies if you set your mind to it. Social networks allow you to create fully segmented campaigns to make sure you reach the right those people who yes or yes have shown interest in the public.
Email marketing is also a good strategy to promote that you are going to update an info product. Reach the people in your database so that they know the news of your info product.
In both options you can share testimonials of how well it worked before, educational content accompanied by videos and images that make it much more striking. Remember that there are many means of promoting: LinkedIn, Telegram, YouTube, etc. Use as many as you can and above all, where your audience is present.
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How do I make an infoproduct that I have already launched attractive?
There are ways to make our info product more interesting, and of course, this includes the bonuses and offers that we offer at the time of launch. In fact, they play an important role in the purchase decision.
Imagine that you sell a financial stability e-book for 50 USD and it is really good, it has all the necessary knowledge and even perfect strategies and tactics to implement. But your competition also has a financial stability e-book, which you don’t know how good it could be.
What you do know is that with the purchase of the e-book he gives you a table to manage all your expenses and access to a video where he talks about the best investment strategies. What do you think will be the choice of the public?
That’s right, the one that offers the most things for the best price. So let’s start working on the offers.
Related content: Offer terms: differences between upsell, cross-sell, downsell and bumps
When is it time to update my info product?
Just because time has passed does not mean that you should update an info product. If you will, it is because you have more valuable information to contribute to those who purchased the product or to those who are interested in it. It is time to update an infoproduct when:
- There is a lot of updated information compared to what you shared in the course. For example, if you launch an Instagram course, you must update it from time to time, since the platform is constantly evolving.
- When you have more experience and new ways to demonstrate that what you taught in your infoproduct does work. If you’ve proven the information works in new ways, that’s great that you’re sharing those too.
- When some things you explained no longer work. There are functions, strategies and tactics that change and one day they worked but no longer. So it is not bad to rectify and change it for what we know is working.
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