How to unlock, release and purify each energy center

Beyond all the differences, there is something that unites us: we are energy in constant movement. For this reason, our body (physical and auric) is covered in its interior by different energy centers: the Chakras.

The Chakras are vortices of vital energy, and fulfill specific vibrational functions. Therefore, any blockage can hinder the natural flow of energy and generate an imbalance that can be expressed in the form of discomfort, whether physical or emotional.

But, if we take advantage of the potential of each one, and find how to activate them and release the blocked energy, we can heal and stay in harmony; which, projected outwards, will only bring us abundance, well-being and joy.

1. Base or Root Chakra

This is the chakra that rules the male sexual organs, the large intestine, the legs and the coccyx. It is the center of physical strength, vitality, drive, and initiative. Its blockage can generate: physical fatigue, insomnia, pain along the spine, discomfort in the legs, sexual problems, body weakness, among other symptoms.

Its element is the earth, that’s why the sounds that are linked to it; added to the ruby ​​red color; aromas such as patchouli, bergamot and juniper; and gems like red jasper; they can help activate it.

2. Umbilical or Sacral Chakra

This chakra rules the female sexual organs, the small intestine, and part of the spleen, kidneys, and liver. Its blockage can generate: constipation, digestive problems, lack of sensitivity, waist pain, among others.

Its element is water, that’s why the sounds that have it as the protagonist; along with the color orange, aromas such as lemon or rosemary, and stones such as carnelian, can help heal it.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra rules the stomach, liver, and pancreas. Its blockage can generate symptoms such as: heartburn, nausea, stomach pain, lack of joy, among other imbalances.

Its element is fire, so the sounds that are linked to it (such as a campfire in nature) can help harmonize it. The golden yellow color can also help this; aromas of cloves, cinnamon and pepper; and stones such as citrine or orange agate.

4. Heart Chakra

This is the chakra that rules the heart, lungs, respiratory system, circulation, hands and arms. Its blockage can cause sadness, melancholy, tachycardia, circulation problems, respiratory problems, whistling in the chest, continuous crying, among others.

Its element is Air, so not only can the sound that represents it help us to release it, but also deep and conscious breathing. Also, the green and pink color, the aroma of mint or jasmine, and gems such as rose quartz and emerald, can help harmonize.

5. Throat Chakra

The laryngeal chakra is the one that governs the throat, ears, nose and vocal cords. If it is blocked, it can cause colds, dysphonia, earaches, a feeling of suffocation, among other manifestations.

Its element is ether; its color is electric blue; the aromas that activate it are tuberose, chamomile and tea tree; and the gems that can help heal it are sea water, blue quartz and blue agate, among others.

6. Front Chakra

This chakra rules the eyes, the pineal gland, the frontal lobe of the brain, and the nose. Its imbalance can cause worries, eye strain, obsessive thoughts, stress, headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, memory problems, etc.

The aromas that can help its harmonization are: lavender, sandalwood, incense and jasmine. The gems that activate it, in addition, are the amethyst and the labradorite. Also, the bright violet color can contribute to its release and activation.

7. Crown Chakra

It rules the pineal gland, the brain, the skull, and the spinal cord. Its blockage can generate pressure in the head, heaviness, mental cloudiness, among others.

The color that harmonizes it is crystalline white; the stones that activate it are white quartz and selenite; and the aromas that activate it are frankincense, myrrh and honey.

Which one do you think you should work on more?