Biodecoding is a proposal of alternative medicine that tries to find the metaphysical origin of diseases or their emotional meaning to treat them, since it starts from the basis that our body, mind and soul are closely related, that is why it is not possible to cure any disease. physical problem without also dealing with the emotions.
Every disease has an emotional or metaphysical origin, that is, it is caused by some type of feeling that does not manifest as such, and therefore is projected on the physical plane of the body.
It is through biodecoding that we try to find the origin of the problem in our body, seeing it as something more complex than a cellular organism; it is about observing it as an entity in which health is linked to emotion. Knowing our emotions, we are able to deconstruct our problems and get to the root of each evil.
Depression is one of the biggest problems that exist today. It is believed that about 300 million people have depression and that the number may increase every day. The pandemic that is gaining ground, especially in women, is characterized by negative feelings, fatigue, sudden mood swings, unbearable sadness, anxiety and more.
Modern medicine recommends psychological therapy, sometimes accompanied by medications that can help eliminate symptoms while therapy helps. Sometimes it works and can be removed from the patient’s life, other times it is simply treatable and serves to calm the symptoms that can destroy the lives of those who suffer from it.
Depression and Biodecoding
Biodecoding establishes that depression can be caused by loss of identity. This makes it quite complicated, since it is an impossibility of knowing who we really are and that affects the way in which we deconstruct our being and our personality to understand the disease.
It is a despair coupled with a feeling of unreflected aggressiveness. Our interior is in crisis and our body acts in the opposite way. The inner irritation is reflected in inactivity, in sadness and melancholy.
Some say that it is a way that our body tells us to talk to ourselves, that we are something we do not want to be and that this depression will be until we accept that our path is another and we dare to take it.
The solution from biodecoding is to look into the past. Find in our memories what we were and rebuild the map. Reconciliation with what we were and want to be is the way to understand our ailments and reach fullness once again.
Important: It should be clarified that Bioguía does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, Bioguía does not assume responsibility for these acts. The site is intended only to provide information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.
Biological Decoding