How to remove acne scars

If you had acne and didn’t treat your skin correctly at the time, you can have scars on your face that don’t fade over time. These marks, sometimes dark, other times with the appearance of small spots, cannot be completely removed, but they can be treated progressively until they become almost imperceptible.

Next you will learn to combine two treatments; an exfoliant and a mask, so that your skin looks radiant.

Acne scars are generated because an imbalance occurs in the skin cells that absorb light; acne inflames them, and when they deflate, the skin is no longer uniform. Therefore, the first step to eliminate them is to get used to exfoliating your skin at least once a week, for several months.

1. Natural scrub with sugar

You can prepare an exfoliating cream by mixing two teaspoons of sugar with one of lemon; rub the skin with it every two or three days and rinse with lukewarm water. The sugar will scrape away dead skin cells, and the lemon will work as a bleach.

You can also (no more than once a week, because it is a strong substance) rub the wet skin with a teaspoon of baking soda, without reaching near the eyes, leave for 40 seconds and rinse very well.

2. Yogurt, honey and lemon mask

To complement the exfoliation, you can use this mask twice a week that regenerates the skin, softens it and whitens it.


– 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt

– 2 tablespoons of milk

– 2 tablespoons of honey

– 1 squeezed lemon

Preparation and use:

Mix all the ingredients until you achieve a homogeneous consistency. Apply the mask and let it act for 15 minutes. Rinse well, and repeat twice a week, until you notice that the skin begins to improve progressively.

Look beautiful and radiant skin again!