Decoupage is a technique that consists of covering the surface of an object with thin layers of patterned paper, which can be special for this method or a patterned paper napkin. It is ideal for decorating old objects that we want to use again, furniture that we would like to give a change to make it look like new or objects made with recycled materials, such as notebooks or boxes.
In this case, you will learn to carry out this technique on fruit crates, to turn them into a bench or a box that will look very nice in your garden, terrace or living room, since, by varnishing them, these objects can be used both indoors and outdoors. the outside.
As the designs of napkins and papers can be very varied, you can recycle objects with them to decorate any room in your home: the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom or the bathroom. There are no limits! You will always find a motif that matches the style of your home.
Learn how to recycle these drawers with very few materials!
– A fruit crate
– Coarse sandpaper or an electric sander
– Cooked linseed oil or pore cover for wood
– Colored synthetic paint
– Water
– Wide brush
– Matte or glossy glue varnish
– Rice paper or patterned napkins
General procedure
1. First of all, you need to put the drawer in condition, since they usually have splinters and dirt. Then sand it until it’s smooth and clean, either with coarse sandpaper and a lot of patience, or with a power sander.
2. Once the drawer is smooth, apply a coat of pore cover or moisturize it with a natural product, which can be cooked linseed oil. Then paint it with latex, which can be white or any color you like. It is preferable to choose a light color so that the details of the paper can be seen later.
3. Choose a rice paper or paper napkin (some are special for decoupage) with a design that you like. This step must be done very carefully. Place a layer of varnish glue on the drawer and support the paper on top with the help of a brush so that there are no balloons or bubbles.
If the drawer will go outside, it is preferable that the varnish be matte. If it will be inside the home, it can look good with a bit of gloss.
4. Varnish over the rice paper, giving 3 or 4 layers with 20 or 25 minutes of rest between them.
5. Think about the use you will give your drawer! You can use it to store objects that are messy in the home, such as a magazine rack, or to store children’s toys. You can also hang it on the wall as a shelf, or turn it upside down and put some cushions on it to double as a small bench.
If you really like the idea, you can review how to make a library with apple crates and these various ideas to recycle and decorate fruit crates.
Don’t limit your creativity!