How to make a webinar that helps you sell your services

A webinar is a very useful tool for any digital consultant, since it can serve as a method of capturing leads and can increase your sales. We are going to explain what are the platforms that you can use to broadcast your webinar and what steps you must follow to be successful with it.

What is a webinar

A webinar is an online meeting in which educational content is taught on a topic. It is broadcast live and a group of people interested in learning about the theme of the webinar attend it.

What is it for

On the one hand, a webinar is a fantastic lead capture tool. It is about offering an online educational session (free or paid) about something that interests your potential customers, so it is a very good hook to attract them.

On the other hand, it also helps you with the sale. Once the session begins, you have a golden opportunity to show your knowledge and show that you are an expert in your field, someone they can trust and the best option to turn to to solve their problem or achieve their objective, regarding the service. that you offer

Therefore, it is very useful and should be part of any marketing strategy. It doesn’t matter if you offer live or online services; webinars can go a long way in helping you grow your consulting business.

How to do a webinar

Whether you are new to this or have already done webinars before, we want to give you some tips and steps to follow so that you can make your webinars a successful method of capturing leads and selling.


Like everything, a webinar requires good preparation. The first thing you should do is:

  • Define the objectives.
  • Structure the content.
  • Create the offer.
  • Choose the platform you will use.


The most important thing when preparing the content of your webinar is that you follow a structure, so that at the time of the broadcast you are clear about the order of the things that you are going to say and you can keep the attention of your audience until the end.

You can follow different structures, depending on what your objectives are, but something that will work very well for you is to divide the session into three large blocks:

  1. Content: the first block is the most extensive and is the educational content. After a brief welcome to the attendees and an introduction to the topic to be discussed, it is time to talk at length about the topic of the webinar. Organize your ideas and always follow a structure in the development of the content to avoid dispersion or moments of blockage. This block should occupy most of the broadcast.
  1. Offer: once you have given your audience the content they were interested in, it is time to make the offer of your services. The attendees have been able to verify that you master the subject and have received high-value content from you, so now they will be open to receiving an offer from you and with a greater predisposition to buy.
  1. Questions: To finish, open a question time and resolve any doubts that may have arisen from your audience. Think that they have been there listening to you, they are interested in what you offer them and they deserve all your attention and help.


You can choose between different platforms for the broadcast of your webinar. Some of the ones you can use are the following:

The simplest and most accessible is YouTube, since it is free and almost everyone knows it and works well on it. But it does have some limitations, like you can’t do screen recording or cast slideshows while you appear on a smaller screen somewhere on the side. You can only broadcast by recording yourself with the camera.

To make webinars a little more sophisticated you have to go to one of the other platforms. The choice of the tool will depend on your objective and budget, since they have different functionalities and prices. One of the ones that has the best quality/price ratio and we can advise you is Zoom and here we show you how you can start using it.

If you want to get to know these tools a little better, listen to this episode of Vilma Núñez’s podcast in which she talks about them:

Here you can also learn more about the tools you can use for a webinar.

5 tips to get more webinar attendees

  • Make a landing page to capture participants.
  • Promote your webinar through your social networks.
  • Create an email marketing campaign for your webinar.
  • Write a post on the topic on your blog and invite readers to the webinar.
  • Put a banner on your blog that leads to webinar registration.