How to make a homemade pool filter

To keep your pool water clean and enjoy a refreshing break outdoors, you can learn how to build a homemade pool filter yourself in just a few steps. In addition, you do not need much knowledge on the subject.

It works like any sand filter, trapping contaminant particles each time water enters the filter, and preventing them from re-entering the pool.

In this note, you will learn the step by step to build and install it in your garden or patio.

Necessary materials

– 1 plastic bucket

– Thread sealing tape

– 22mm flanges

– 25mm plugs

– 25mm and 20mm spout

– crushed stone

– 4 reducers from 20 mm to 25 mm

– Adhesive and waterproof putty

– Cloth, cotton and/or paper

General procedure

1. To start, you must make two holes in your plastic bucket, so that the flanges fit into them. Make one on the upper side, and one below.

2. Place the tubes inside, screwed into the flanges you placed. At the bottom, make four rows of small holes through which the water can drain. To the superior, make only two.

3. Leave the spout positioned on the lower flange and remove the upper one to be able to fill the bucket.

4. Moisten the stones with water and place them inside the bucket, forming a base.

5. Cover the top with cotton. Press down a bit to make it even, and place another layer of stones on top. Press again so that it becomes compact.

6. Place a layer of paper and add stones on top again until it is completely covered.

7. Finally, and after pressing well again, place a piece of cloth and cover it with a new layer of stones until it reaches the height of your perforation.

8. Once you’re done, place the pipe inside. All the layers you made should be below this, and as compact as possible.

9. Now you must connect your filter through the reducers to the inlet and outlet water supply hoses that will reach your pool. Secure the ends with sealing tape or steel clamps. Also, you can apply silicone or waterproof putty between the container and the hose to seal it.

10. Put your pool filter to the test. Turn on the pump to check for leaks and use putty if necessary.

In this video you will be able to see in detail the step by step to create this homemade filter for swimming pools in a simple way, and thus enjoy the summer in a sustainable way.