According to some beliefs, the present life is not the only one that exists as reality. Man, from these theories, is not only a material body, but also has a subtle or energetic part that continues in other planes of existence that exceed the physical. Therefore, from this way of seeing the world, the problems that a person suffers in their present could be explained by other previous unresolved situations that need to be revealed. Knowing who you were in your past life can be part of this path of knowledge.
From the so-called “karmic astrology” it is possible to approach those previous experiences through the natal chart to find out what is the karma or legacy that the soul (or the spiritual body) of a person carries due to the decisions made in previous lives and thus being able to understand it, accept it, transcend it and recover well-being again.
In this sense, Karmic Astrology connects with the Akashic file of each soul, that is, with the memory and information of its evolutionary development in different lives, to guide the person on a path of self-knowledge. Thus, Karmic Astrology becomes a “tool” for both spiritual and personal self-knowledge.
In the Astral Chart it is possible to portray the soul as in a photograph. Each one is personal and revealing. In it, the moon represents the emotional and affective part; symbolizes the mother, the woman, the family and the home; and it is linked, in turn, with the unconscious memory of a previous life.
That is why it is important, in order to know who you were in your past life and what you may have experienced at another time, to make your own Letter, which you can now even obtain online.
Once you have done it, you will be able to discover who you were in your past life according to your moon sign.
Moon in Aries
In their past lives they may have been warriors, witches, sorceresses or assassins. The action and the lack of scruples could have left bad deeds to compose.
Moon in Leo
They belonged to kingdoms and lived in luxury and prestige. In general, they were characters of the nobility and did not have good attitudes with those who served them. Pride, control and vanity could be factors that need to work to heal in the present.
Moon in Sagittarius
Travelers, loners and libertarians, those who have a moon in Sagittarius were possibly gypsies who lived as they wanted, defending their ideals and not taking root anywhere.
Moon in Taurus
In your past lives you had all kinds of pleasures, so you need to possess, accumulate and increase your earnings. They were usually princes or princesses, helped and groomed by kings.
Moon in Virgo
They may have been slaves, servants or nuns who knew poverty up close. Possibly in the present they live with the same austerity, even for no apparent logical reason.
Moon in Capricorn
They were teachers and advisers with great prestige and willingness to serve, highly sought after and admired for their wisdom.
Moon in Gemini
They may have been merchants or sellers willing to exchange everything for money, and used to living in a community, but coming and going from one place to another.
Moon in Libra
They accompanied or were married to important personalities, but in some cases simply out of interest and not out of love.
Moon in Aquarius
They lived in a community without rules. They were possibly nomads or lived on the run. They may have been gypsies, sorcerers, indigenous people for whom the group and freedom was everything.
moon in cancer
Possibly in his past life he was someone who, for some reason, had to move away from his family; either due to illness or work. The present will surely be marked by that detachment.
Moon in Scorpio
They were lovers who used sex or sorcery to have something or someone.
Moon in Pisces
In your past lives you suffered a lot; they were poor or lost loved ones. Then, they found in their imagination a way out of the harsh reality.