The Stevia rebaudiana It is a species of the Asteraceae family native to the tropical region of South America; It is still found in the wild in Paraguay, especially in the Department of Amambay, and in the Argentine province of Misiones, but for several decades it has been cultivated for its sweetening properties and its negligible caloric content. Used since pre-Columbian times by the Guarani from the region, who call it “sweet grass”, as a sweetener for mate and other infusions, the species did not attract the attention of the colonizers; It was not until after the Guaranà natives presented it to the Swiss scientist Moisés Santiago Bertoni in 1887, that it began to be appreciated by Western science. Having it on hand at home and consuming it often will bring us great benefits, such as:– Regulates blood sugar.– Reduces blood pressure.– Regulates the digestive system in general.– Acts favorably against anxiety.– Reduces fat in obese people.– It has a diuretic effect.CULTIVATION, REPRODUCTION AND USE OF STEVIAStevia, a plant of tropical origin (Paraguay), behaves differently from the natural one in Mediterranean climates, where the days get much shorter during autumn-winter, thus causing a significant stop in the growth of the plant (on the other hand, in the islands In the Canary Islands, its behavior is more similar to that of its tropical origins). For this reason, the plant, which is multiannual (that is, it can sprout for 4-5 years), every spring starts up again with force, sprouting new and numerous shoots from below from the roots. From spring and almost until mid-August, it can be reproduced by cuttings (similar to geraniums). By means of this system, from a Stevia plant that regrows in spring, 200 to 500 plants can be made, cutting during all the time that it vegetates. Keep in mind not to plant a regrowth that ends up in flower, because it would never take root. On the other hand, spring and summer shoots rarely have a flower. Flowers that, on the other hand, would never give rise to seeds with germination power, hence the reproduction has to be done by cutting and not by seeds. In this way, if we start with a good variety, we will always preserve its medicinal properties.How to grow Stevia step by step:1- You have to fill the pot with marinated peat, which can be found in any nursery, and water it until the peat is well soaked.two- Cut the final 10 cm of a Stevia bud about 20 cm high (make sure it does not end in flower). From these 10 cm of stem, remove the 2-3 leaves from the bottom, to facilitate their burial in the peat, pressing hard with your fingers around the stem so that it makes contact with the moist peat. Do not let too much time pass since it is cut and until the shoot is planted. Best to cut and plant immediately or keep in water as if they were cut flowers.3- Place the pot in a shady place to prevent the sun from preventing rooting and water it 3 times a day (in the morning, at noon and in the afternoon).
Remark: When it is said to put a newly planted plant in a shady place, it always means to put it in a greenhouse or outdoors in a place where it does not get direct sun at any time. If it is outdoors, put it in a sheltered place wind to prevent excessive dehydration. A shady place does not mean inside a dark room or warehouse.4- After 28-30 days the Stevia sprout will begin to straighten, and when you see that a new leaf begins to come out, it can be placed in an area with more sun, where it will not stop growing. When the transplanted sprout begins to get new leaves, stop watering 3 times a day and water only once, at the beginning of the day.
During the summer, it is necessary to water every day, but in spring and autumn, wait to water until the soil does not feel damp when in contact with the hand.
During the winter, when the plant is standing, water very little, to prevent the roots from rotting, since new plants have to sprout from them during the spring.5- After two months of having replicated or transplanted the shoot without roots to the pot, transplant a second time to the final place, which can be outdoors, in the soil of a garden, orchard or field, inside a greenhouse or to a fairly large pot, to facilitate the maximum growth of the plant. The greenhouse allows production to advance a few weeks in spring and delay the decline in autumn. In the strongest months of summer, the greenhouse can be shaded a little to avoid excessive heat and simulate the tropical climate from which Stevia originates. In spite of everything, outdoors it develops very well.6- When the end of autumn is reached and we notice that the plant no longer wants to grow and is full of flowers, it is time to cut it back, leaving it at 10 cm high and taking the opportunity to dry the remaining leaves.7- To dry the leaves correctly during the summer, make sure that they are not directly exposed to the sun, in order to preserve all their medicinal properties. The leaves at the last minute, when the plant is pruned to spend the winter, it is inevitable to dry them by sun, although in small amounts, can be dried inside the house where the temperature will be better.FERTILIZERIt is an undemanding plant. With the organic fertilizer, there is no problem in exceeding the dose, but in the mineral or chemical fertilizer, be careful not to add in excess, because the plant suffers a lot and can even collapse and die. The mineral or chemical fertilizer must be start applying two months after transplanting, little but often (every 30 days). Mineral fertilizer must contain more potassium than phosphorus and nitrogen, and be enriched in microelements. With a good organic fertilizer, one application per year is sufficient, at the beginning of spring, if the plant is planted in the ground, or add 20-30% peat if it is in a pot.TREATMENTSStevia is a plant that is very resistant to insects and fungi, if irrigation and nitrogenous chemical fertilizers are not abused. In the event that an aphid or whitefly is observed, it is recommended to carry out treatments with extracts of garlic, Nem oils or other products authorized by Organic Farming. If a caterpillar is observed, it is not necessary to apply any treatment, except when the attack is very strong, in which case it is recommended to treat with preparations made with Bacillus thuringiensis (It is an ecological insecticide that does not require safety periods). With these treatments we ensure a collection of leaves without toxins, allowing us to obtain all the medicinal properties that the plant contains.Medicinal use of SteviaIt can be said that it is a plant that regulates blood sugar, reduces blood pressure, regulates the digestive system in general, acts favorably on many people with anxiety, reduces fat in obese people and is diuretic. The dose that Most of the people who have observed beneficial effects usually use: 4 tender leaves eaten directly before or while having breakfast and 4 more leaves before or during dinner. When tender leaves are not available, an infusion of dried leaf can be made (one infusion in the morning and another at night). The infusion can be made each time, with a dose of one tablespoon of dessert per cup of infusion, or it can be made for two days, letting a liter of water start to boil, close the heat and add 4 dessert spoons of crushed dry leaves, leaving it to rest for at least 30 minutes before taking it, so that the leaf dilutes its properties in the liquid.fresh plant: About 4 tender leaves taken before or during breakfast and 4 more leaves before or during dinner.Dry plant: When we do not have fresh leaves constantly, we can make an infusion of dried leaves. To take the plant as an infusion, we will use a level teaspoon (2 grams) per infusion, twice a day: one shot in the morning to regulate the day and another shot at the end of the day to regulate the night, using a teaspoon for dessert each time. For more convenience, you can make the infusion once a day and store the remaining infusion in the refrigerator in a closed glass jar for the next drink. For example, if we want to make a litre, we add a heaped tablespoon to the boiling water, turn off the heat, shake gently, let stand for about 10 minutes and pass through a strainer. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator since with one liter we will have enough for two days. We will have a glass on an empty stomach in the morning and another before dinner or going to sleep. Source: