If you are starting to grow your own food at home, but you have little space, there are many alternatives to create your own vegetable garden in vertical gardens, or in pots! In containers you can grow eggplants, pumpkins, zucchini, fruit trees, and many more options.
In this note you will learn how to grow peppers (bell peppers) yourself to use them whenever you want, without spending money, and keeping all their natural properties intact.
Peppers are native to Central America and northern South America. They contain beta-carotene and a large amount of vitamin C; they contribute to the prevention of infections, regulate cholesterol, and have a very low caloric intake, among other properties and benefits.
Plus, growing them is super easy! They do not need much care and you can get many fruits from the plant. Learn in this note how to do it and incorporate this fresh vegetable in all your preparations.
Procedure to grow bell peppers at home
Grow your peppers in late winter or early summer. If you want to grow them from seeds, you can get them from the very inside of a bell pepper. Let them dry in the sun for a few days, and they are ready to plant. Then place them in a seedbed covered with soil rich in organic matter and with a minimum depth. You will see that the seeds germinate easily and soon you will have to transplant them into another larger container, approximately 30 centimeters.
Peppers prefer sunny areas, so you should choose a place where they get a minimum of six hours of sun a day.
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They need a substrate rich in organic matter, with good drainage.
When the plants reach 20 centimeters in height, place canes as a guide support to tie the stems with fruits to them, and thus help the plant to carry its weight.
Peppers need humidity close to 70%. A trick that you can implement is to pad the soil with straw or stones, to retain moisture and keep you warm.
The plant should be kept at a temperature between 20º and 25º C, therefore on cold days you can keep it indoors to prevent low temperatures from damaging it.
Fruits are generally harvested 12 to 14 weeks after transplanting; in late summer and early fall. You can pick your peppers when they are still green or wait until they turn red, yellow, or orange. To do this, use a knife and make a clean cut to avoid damaging the stems, leaving about 2-3 centimeters of stem.
other tips
- As the pepper is a self-pollinating plant, if you notice that the plant has flowers, but still no fruit, give it a little gentle shake.
- If the stems take on a dark color, it is an indication of maturation and not of pests or diseases.
In what preparations to include them?
Peppers can be used in different ways in the kitchen: cooked, in salads, stuffed, roasted, or as a component of some spices such as paprika.
You can prepare them stuffed with quinoa and avocado; include them in crispy packets with cheddar cheese; on savory croissants with pesto and cheese; or whatever you like the most!