The project management It supposes the impulse, the planning, the organization, the control and the evaluation of the resources with the purpose of reaching a certain objective/s. Although we can have small projects, most of those in the professional field tend to always have their complexity. Train now with a project management course!
Recommendations for good time management
He project success It is not only circumscribed to the achievement of the objectives, but also to achieving them at the optimum times and with the appropriate level of resources. In other words, it is not only worth getting results, but we must get them as efficiently as possible. And for this, time management is essential. Let’s see some recommendations to try to manage time effectively and balanced.
First of all, if we limit ourselves to time management in a project, we must have done the previous work of having:
- Identified activities.
- Knowing the logical relationships between themthe sequence between them.
- dear resources that we need to carry them out and, above all, the duration in its execution.
- Finalized a schedule flexible that can be fed back with the deviations that appear and that serves as a checking tool keep going.
Therefore, planning is the first pillar of time management. Knowing the objective of the project and planning our activities, actions and tasks to achieve it is the unavoidable first step.
Secondly, we would advise having done a good prioritization and organization of tasks. Tasks are often carried out as they arrive when the best thing is to do the tasks that are a priority, that is, those that provide the most value at all times, those that are necessary to continue with the project or, in any case, those that are more urgent. Importance and urgency are not the same.
Decalogue of good project time management
Once we have overcome these main key aspects, we propose the following decalogue when managing time.
1- Know what you spend your time on
A good starting recommendation is know where you spend your time Keeping a diary for a few days, say a week. This inventory will help you know how much time you spend on each task. Although there are many classifications of tasks, a highly recommended one is that of Stephen Covey, who distributed them based on their importance and urgency. It is clear that, for efficient time management, we have to focus on the important ones, on those that contribute to our objectives.
2- Study yourself
If your most productive time is in the morning, then do the most difficult tasks or the ones you like the least first thing in the morning. Define it as “your fundamental hours”, “your zen moment” or whatever you like best, but it must be the most productive time interval of the day. Allocate to this period the most complex study topics, for example. Some people have a more diurnal circadian rhythm (chickens) and others, more nocturnal (owls). The important thing is that you know yourself and know what your vital rhythm is like. Thus, you can adapt the most convenient type of tasks at any time.
3- Plan your tasks daily
Plan the tasks to be done each day before starting the day. Setting goals helps productivity. When studying, it is very convenient to prepare a schedule that serves as a guide and encouragement.
4- Leave room for improvisation
Leave yourself room for the unforeseen and specify deadlines realistically.
5- Set times for each task
If you do not do so, you run the risk of delaying the execution of said action too long. Also, if you anticipate that a task can be done in less than 2 or 3 minutes, do it now! Likewise, stop permanently seeking perfection. It is preferable that you do it fairly well and that it is efficient than that it is perfect and that you have destroyed your schedule by displacing many other activities.
6- Focus on each activity 100%
To achieve a state of total concentration in which you “flow”, disconnect or silence the phone, don’t look at your email, isolate yourself in another office and, above all, avoid time thieves. Think that the time a task requires increases when we interrupt it and resume it.
7- Subdivide the projects
For very large projects, subdivide them into actions, activities and tasks. Break it down and tackle it “in pieces”. Little by little you will be achieving it and exceeding goals.
8- Learn to say no
Practice assertiveness and do not make commitments that you will not be able to fulfill or that will shake your planning.
9- Flee from perfectionism
Each task must be given its proper time.
10- Rest
Just as important as working or studying is relaxing and disconnecting to recharge your batteries.
In addition to these recommendations, avoid the thieves of time: telephone, technology, social networks, unexpected visits…
What do you think are the worst time thieves when managing a project?
Related course: Advanced Project Management Course.