Working as a stockbroker implies having a great management of finances and being interested in the functioning of the markets. If you are thinking of following this professional career, do not miss this article, in which we will answer the question: how to be a stockbroker Let’s find out what studies you need to fill this position!
Do you want to obtain training with a practical and highly specialized approach? We invite you to know our Higher Course of Stock Market and Investmentendorsed by the prestigious Broker Blackbird.
How to be a stockbroker? Areas you must master
The stock brokers They act as intermediaries between the owners of bonds or shares, which can be worth millions, and people interested in investing in the market. A profession in which such large amounts of money are managed requires essential requirements such as training or experienceamong others.
The employment market in the stock market demands more and more people prepared with specialized training in the stock market and investment.
Work experience is acquired over time and is progressive: as a stockbroker, you will gain more and more mastery of the profession from internships to becoming a senior profile. However, training should be the basisthe pillar on which to support your professional career.
In this sense, to manage the purchase and sale of shares, authorize investments and understand how companies are listed -among many other functions-, you will have to gain knowledge in a number of specific areas. The most important ones are:
- Math
- Economy
- Statistics
- Commercial engineering
- Accounting
Study alternatives: training to work as a stockbroker
In 2022, no one is surprised that training is a essential condition to access highly technical positions. Professionals who have accredited training on their resume are more likely to find a job in the stock market, according to the main job portals.
Let’s see, next, what are the main study alternatives that will allow you to work in the stock market and give an answer to how to be a stock broker. Take note and choose the option that best suits your goals!
Study a Bachelor’s and/or Master’s Degree
If you have had the opportunity to ask him “Whathow to be a stockbroker?” to an active professional, surely one of his first responses included the words college degree. Having a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree on your resume is one of the best ways to access this sector with guaranteesespecially if it is oriented to mathematics or accounting.
When choosing this alternative, you must take into account all the pros and cons:
- This option is best suited for people who want to work as a stockbroker for the long term, but having first obtained the most complete and comprehensive training possible. The theoretical basis in these cases is always the most extensive and multidisciplinary.
- The main drawbacks of this alternative are that usually have the longest duration -4 or 5 years in the case of University Degrees and 1 or 2 in the case of Masters- and their costs tend to be higher.
If you opt for this option, lean towards careers in Mathematics, Statistics, Finance and Accounting, ADE or Business.
Take a Vocational Training
Vocational Training qualifications continue to gain ground in the employment market as one of the most demanded requirements by recruiters. In fact, titles such as Higher Technician in Administration and Finance are some of those that enjoy the highest employability rates, within the broad financial sector.
If you choose this alternative you will enjoy training oriented towards professional practice and with a very technical approach. Furthermore, it is about shorter courses (between 1 and 2 years) and the cost is also usually lower.
Take a Specialization Course
Specialization courses offer a great advantage over other training alternatives, and that is that they tend to focus the training program on specific aspects of a broader branch of knowledge. Therefore, they are ideal both as independent training and to obtain a complementary specialization to a Degree or FP.
With a Higher Course in Stock Market and Investment such as the one you will find in Formación, you will be able to give your CV the boost it needs, since it will allow you to certify skills and knowledge in very specific aspects of the financial sector.
Other requirements: the ideal profile to be a stockbroker
We have started this article explaining the importance of being correctly trained and talking about how having a certain degree of specialization is the main answer to how to be a stockbroker.
However, there are other factors that also influence when working in the financial and stock market environment, essential requirements such as work experience, language training or knowledge of the main computer tools used in these sectors.
In addition to those already mentioned, there is also a complementary requirement that we can call “stockbroker profile” and that covers all the soft skills that make a person an ideal candidate to fill this job position.
Next, we detail what these are skills and competencies typical of the stockbroker:
- Natural interest in accounting, the functioning of markets and finance.
- Organization and order at work.
- Analytical and critical thinking.
- business skills.
- Negotiation and persuasion skills.
- Effective communication.
- Proper management of stress and pressure.
- Quick reaction.
- Capacity for teamwork.
- Mediation before conflicts.
Master investments with Formación
The experts say it: training is one of the most valued aspects when hiring professionals in any sector! In the financial field, this theory is confirmed. If what you want is to enjoy a remote, flexible and very practical methodology that makes it easier for you to combine study and work, bet on our Higher Course of Stock Market and Investment.
with the course of Formation You will acquire basic notions about how financial markets work and you will be able to work in the sector thanks to your new knowledge in the stock market.
You will have access to a wide repertoire of resources through the online campus, such as video tutorials, masterclasses and videoconferences with experts, and the prestigious black trader software.
Do you want more information about the course? Get in touch through the form. We will be happy to solve each and every one of your doubts!
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