How to Avoid Blurred Photos in 6 Easy Steps

Editor’s note: I’m rescuing this article from the archive for its interest and value to many users frustrated by damn blurry photos.

Today I will share with you a few tips on how to avoid blurry photosa problem that gives more than one headache and whose solution is extremely easy if we follow a few steps that I will explain below.

Let’s first look at why some photos are blurry or blurry. Later I will detail the simple steps to follow.

Why are some photos blurry?

The main reason that a photo comes out blurred is mainly one: because the camera suffers some movement during the time it is capturing the image (during the exposure time). There is no other explanation. Actually all the other reasons revolve around this one.

How to avoid shaky/blurred photos?

1- Adopt a comfortable and correct posture, put your elbows inwards: Whenever possible, it is advisable to adopt a comfortable posture that helps us reduce the vibrations of our own body. A very common mistake among those who buy an SLR camera and start taking photos without even looking at the instruction manual is holding the camera incorrectly. The following illustration shows the correct way to hold a camera.

2- Use a tripod, or improvise one: Obvious advice but that could not be missing from this list. In the absence of a good tripod, there are very cheap alternatives that will not cost you much. You can use a wall as a support, a table, or any type of fixed and stable support. Of course, if you leave the camera on top and drop it, be careful not to drop it.

Another trick to stabilize the camera would be to use our own body as a tripod: resting our elbow on the ground (or on some very stable support) for example.

3- Use a remote trigger or shoot with a 2 or 10 second delay: This tip is helpful and complements the one about using a tripod. A remote trigger allows us to shoot the photo avoiding the slightest movement caused by the action of shooting the photo. With the retarder function, practically the same result can be achieved.

4- Activate the vibration reduction function: Most modern cameras offer the ability to significantly reduce shake and vibration. Some SLR cameras have this feature on the lens itself, like Nikon, in which case the vibration reduction feature is called VR. The one from Canon is called IS and it goes on the lens too. Others like Pentax and Sony carry it on the camera body itself. This option is very useful and I insist, it greatly reduces vibrations, especially when using a telephoto lens.

5- For reflex and bridge cameras: use a fast shutter speed: If you have an SLR camera you can have full control over the shutter speed. The higher the shutter speed, the sharper the photo will come out.

6- For reflex and bridge cameras: capture all available light This advice matches the previous one. If you use a very high shutter speed, it is easy for the photo to come out dark (sharp but dark). To solve this we can play with the parameters of the light: open the diaphragm of the lens so that the camera captures more light, use a somewhat high ISO value as far as possible, and if necessary activate the flash.

As you can see, these are very simple steps that can save you a HUGE annoyance when sitting down to view your photos on your computer. We have all been frustrated at some point when checking how moved a photo has come out.

Unless, in a burst of cutting-edge creativity, we’ve taken to taking shaky photos on purpose, because by the way, some photographers get EXCELLENT shaky photos that I personally can’t help but admire, like the blurry girl on the lawn. A marvel.

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