How can a consultant take advantage of Twitter to gain more visibility? – Academy of Consultants

There was a period of time in which it was thought that Twitter would be forgotten and no, quite the opposite. In fact, a consultant can use this platform without limitation to share his opinion, meet other colleagues and if you create a good strategy, get clients. Twitter to gain more visibilityit is something that you should write down in your business purposes this 2021.

Twitter to gain more visibility

Why Twitter and not another social network? No, this is not the correct question. Just like in any other marketing profession and action, a consultant must assess where their community is. But why not try? Analyze and investigate if your potential clients or alliances are on this social network.

And remember, that every objective needs a well-detailed strategy, if you want your Twitter to gain more visibility, you must sit down and develop a plan.

Discover through these tips how you can boost your account to reach more people:

profile optimization

This is something really important in all social networks, it is like the first impression people have about your personal brand or consulting business. Many will pass on you if you don’t show them there that your account (and what you do) is really worth it.

You are a service professional right? So every detail should prove it:

  • Name and username
  • Profile photography (professional)
  • Cover image (professional)
  • Links to your website
  • Brief summary of what you do

To make it clearer, we leave you with an example of our CEO’s profile, Vilma Núñez on Twitter (@Vilmanunez).

Related content: How to create a Twitter account for companies and optimize it to achieve results?

Take a survey to find out what to talk about

Ok, you already have an optimized profile, so how do you start that account? Every start in a social network is difficult, but that should not discourage you. There are many actions within the platform that will allow you to know the preferences of the users.

A very clear example is the pollsIf you want to use Twitter to gain more visibility, this tool is perfect for knowing the interests of others. You can create very specific questions about your sector in order to collect information and based on it, develop a strategic plan that allows you to reach more people.

What type of content to publish?

In the previous point you could collect information, but remember that Twitter is a social network of opinion. If you want to expand with content that you have acquired thanks to your experience (which is ideal) you can create infographics or videos to make yourself known more.

You can use those characters to make a short description of any other content, add an eye-catching image and place an optimized link to drive traffic to other places, things that are also important to gain credibility. Try to use a rather catchy comment to open up a thread of comments and discussions..

I am a professional, can I discuss and participate?

Totally, always starting from respect and obviously on issues related to your area. This will give you visibility in places other than your account, and many, knowing your opinion, will want to know more about your profile and will follow you.

I have a lot of followers but is it the right audience?

Question that every brand or business should ask itself. Because perhaps you have thousands of followers but no one interacts, no one debates and if someone writes to you, they are not within that community that is interested in consulting businesses.

So what should you do in this case? Check all the actions you are taking with your Twitter account to see why you are not attracting the right audience.

Is it worth promoting my services through Twitter Ads?

The Ads will always boost the sales of a business and more one of consultancy. So these are always worth it. But these will not work if your target audience is not found within this social network, you will lose money.

You must investigate well, because it may be more convenient for you to advertise through Facebook and Instagram Ads.

If you want to get more visibility, qualified leads and sales for your business by creating PROFITABLE and SCALABLE online advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram Ads, you are in the perfect place. Click here to find out more about of the MÁS ADS program. 🤩

LinkedIn works for networking, does Twitter too?

In fact, it’s much easier, because here you don’t have to send a friend request to start meeting other users with your same interests. You just launch a powerful tweet about consulting business and right there other people or colleagues will comment on it, they will share it, others will find you and who removes and you go viral. Visibility in your hands if the content of Twitter is good and if your opinions are worthy of debate!

Related content: Ideas to position yourself with consulting content on LinkedIn.

Other Twitter actions to appear as a consultant

  • One of the most recent updates brought with it, Twitter stories, or as they are called on this platform “Fleets”. This is a quick way to make yourself known or appear a bit more genuine to other users. A fleet or two a day, they will also help you share quality content that allows you to gain more visibility.
  • The hashtags and keywords they also have weight on Twitter as well as on other social networks.
  • In a consulting business the testimonials are very important for someone to decide to purchase your services, one idea is to create a thread with the opinions of those who have already decided to work with you.
  • Full visibility refers to also appear in searches of people, so pay attention to what you post to achieve this.
  • If you find that you are running short of information on optimizing the bio, you can add something else in a tweet that you leave pinned in your profile.

Related content: Learn about Twitter’s latest measures to combat misinformation.