An armchair, a trunk, a sink… There are several things that can be created from pallets. You just have to know how to use this interesting material. This project takes the use of this material to another level. On this occasion, a house project made practically entirely with pallets is presented.
The pallet house, created by I-Beam Design, was conceived as a transitional home for two returning Kosovar refugees. From that need for alternative shelter to the tent that was typically used, the pallet house offers the possibility of transforming a temporary living condition into a permanent home. It is an economical, efficient and easily feasible solution to the housing problem of people displaced by natural disasters, plagues, famines, political conflicts or war.
According to what they say on their site, I-Beam aims to develop a project that serves not only refugees from areas affected by the disaster, but also as a prefabricated and accessible modular solution for people in all parts of the world. Thus, the idea is to contribute to improving the lives of people, the environment and society.
Although about 100 pallets are needed per house, the reality is that it is a very accessible and easy to obtain material, considering that in the United States alone about 150 million pallets are discarded per year. The adaptation for its reuse is also not so expensive and its construction does not take so much time. In addition, being modular, this house is easily adapted to the particular needs of each family and each part of the world.
With its correct insulation system, openings and other accessories to turn them into functional houses, the positive thing about this design is its ability to adapt to people’s needs. Their modular planning is what makes them candidates to transform from shelter to home.
The following video shows, in broad strokes, how to build structures with pallets like the ones you have seen in the note.