It happens to many people that when they go to sleep, their teeth begin to grind unconsciously. This situation is known as bruxism and although some do not give it importance, over time it can become a big problem. Even how to sleep to avoid bruxism can become a necessity that deserves an urgent solution. Home treatment has become one of the most effective solutions to achieve this.
Bruxism What is it?
It is an action in which the teeth are unconsciously ground, crunched or clenched with great force. This disorder can occur both during the day and at night, however, during bedtime when it becomes more frequent. Reason why it is very important to investigate a little more about bruxism, its types, causes, symptoms, treatments, and ways to avoid it.
However, if bruxism becomes too common, it is best to see a specialist to start treatment. So it is important to pay close attention to the symptoms that may occur.
How many types of bruxism are there?
It should be noted that there are several types of bruxism, with nocturnal bruxism being one of the most common and at the same time more complicated to control. Some people need help to know how to sleep to avoid bruxism and thus be able to solve this problem. According to certain specialists, it is possible to find at least five different types of bruxism, these are:
by rubbing
It occurs when the teeth rub together while the muscles contract, this in turn causes them to relax, causing great wear on the teeth.
by pressure
It is generated when a person clenches their teeth very hard just at the moment when a contraction occurs in the muscles.
As its name indicates, it is a type of bruxism that occurs during the day and is closely linked to certain habits. Chewing on nails or pressing lips between teeth are some of these.
It occurs at night, especially when the affected person is asleep. The next morning it is possible to suffer from muscle exhaustion. To solve it, discovering how to sleep to avoid bruxism is essential.
It is a combination of daytime and nighttime bruxism, which means that it not only affects during the day, but also while the person sleeps. If left untreated, this dental disorder can become chronic.
What are the causes of bruxism?
The causes that lead to the appearance of bruxism are not entirely specific, in fact, currently the experts still differ. However, high levels of stress combined with a person’s poor ability to relax have a lot to do with it.
The lack of control of emotions affects health in general, leading to various disorders such as bruxism. People who suffer from tension, anxiety, frustration or anger problems are more likely to suffer from bruxism.
There are other possible causes such as breathing problems during and while resting, poor diet, incorrect sleeping position. Also, misalignment of the teeth and difficulty falling asleep. Most of the causes of this disorder are more related to the nocturnal type. Knowing how to sleep to avoid bruxism is essential for its prevention.
Consuming harmful substances such as alcohol and caffeine significantly increases the risk of contracting this disease. Similarly, cigarette smoking is also one of the risk factors linked to bruxism.
On the other hand, some specialists assure that certain drugs can generate secondary effects derived from this disorder. Reason why it is advised not to take medication for bruxism if it is not prescribed directly by a doctor.
What are the symptoms of bruxism?
Depending on the type of bruxism, the symptoms may vary, however, there are people who claim not to perceive any symptoms. However, each case is different, so it is very important to pay attention to any signs. Some of the general symptoms of this disorder are as follows:
– Pressing or grinding your teeth involuntarily. This produces a sound that can be a bit annoying for some people.
– Considerable wear of the enamel of the teeth, so much so that even the dental layers that are deeper can be observed.
– Teeth can loosen, fracture and also flatten when suffering from bruxism.
– Teeth more sensitive and perceptive to certain levels of pain.
– Swelling or pain in the jaw and areas near the face and neck.
– Very strong headache that usually starts in the temple area.
– Discomfort in the ear as if said organ were affected.
– Internal injuries in the mouth and cheek, this due to closing the jaw with too much force.
– Problems falling asleep, so knowing how to sleep to avoid bruxism becomes essential.
Home treatments to relieve bruxism
The body needs rest, so overnight is the time to do so. However, how to sleep to avoid bruxism is just one of the questions that can cause sleep disturbances. Applying some type of home treatment can be very effective in these cases, herbs for bruxism, exercises and certain medications are some of the solutions.
Mild cases of bruxism sometimes do not require specific treatments, however, the situation is different when the disorder becomes chronic. So much so that the administration of drugs may even be necessary, although some medicinal plants are really effective as home treatment.
Relaxation exercises before bed
To avoid jaw tension, it’s best to relax as much as possible before going to bed. This will considerably reduce high levels of stress and thus, it will not be necessary to find a way to sleep to avoid bruxism.
Massages on the shoulders, face and neck area are usually the parts most affected by daily stress. The most advisable thing is to perform simple massages in these areas carrying out circular movements.
Also, you can place a warm washcloth just over your face to release some tension. Reading a few minutes before bed, listening to soft music or drinking an infusion of medicinal plants is also very helpful.
Baths with hot water
Taking a bath with hot or lukewarm water is very effective when you need to relax your body. To increase the effectiveness of these baths, it is advisable to add a little infusion of sage or thyme. The bath should not exceed 30 minutes and it is always advisable to do it at least one hour before going to bed.
herbs for bruxism
Medicinal plants have been used since ancient times to heal and prevent multiple diseases and this case is no exception. There are many herbs for bruxism that can be used to prepare a wide variety of infusions. Some of the most recommended for their effectiveness are the following:
Without a doubt, it is one of the best muscle relaxants and the best thing is that it is 100% natural, the ideal would be to drink an infusion rate prepared with this plant. Its aroma or flavor may not be the best of all, but it is one of the most popular herbs for bruxism. If drunk a few minutes before going to bed, it helps to fall asleep.
The benefits of this plant are really wonderful, not only does it have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, it also helps relax muscles. It is recommended to prepare chamomile tea by adding a small spoonful of the flowers of this plant in hot water. Let it rest and consume preferably before going to sleep.
Another of the most used herbs for bruxism is the lemon balm plant, like the previous ones, it serves as a muscle relaxant. You can drink it before going to bed or if you wake up with pain in your face or jaw.
It is ideal for reducing stress and helps the body relax to sleep without problems. Its infusion is perfect for people who grind or clench their teeth involuntarily.
Finally, poppy petals are rich in a wide variety of properties that act directly on the central nervous system. Reason why this plant is ideal for relieving muscle tension, reducing stress and anxiety.
medications for bruxism
In the event that home treatment does not have the expected effect for the patient with bruxism, there are certain drugs that serve to control the symptoms. However, they must be prescribed by a doctor and for no reason should they be consumed without first consulting a specialist.
Some of the medicines for bruxism that offer very good results are those that help to relax the body. That is, muscle relaxants that allow the release of tension in the muscles. This includes the face area, the shoulders and also the neck. If your teeth grinding is caused by stress or anxiety, your doctor may prescribe some specific drugs to help calm it down.
When bruxism is chronic and does not subside regardless of the type of treatment, a Botox injection is applied. However, this option is used as a last resort.
dental intervention
People who suffer from this dental disorder go to a specialist looking for solutions on how to sleep to avoid bruxism. And it is that this disorder can become very problematic for the patient who suffers from it.
In this case, the dentist might recommend the use of mouth guards or splints that should be placed on the teeth during bedtime. This prevents further damage to the teeth by helping to protect them from the pressure exerted when grinding or clenching.
Another measure is to carry out a series of corrections in the teeth by means of a surgical intervention. This is quite simple and allows you to repair any damage caused by grinding your teeth.
Tips on how to sleep to avoid bruxism
If you still do not get the proper way to sleep to avoid bruxism, it is best to follow these useful tips.
– Do a series of relaxation exercises to relieve tension in the body and thus fall asleep.
– Warm milk helps you sleep better.
– Take a bath with warm or hot water a few minutes before going to bed.
– Meditation is ideal when the cause of this dental disorder is anxiety and stress.
– Use a proper posture where the spine remains aligned.
– Reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages and caffeine during the night.
– Go to alternative therapies such as homeopathy, acupressure or temporary taping.
body and mind