History of the LGTB Movement: the beginning of the struggle –

this important social struggle is recognized as LGBT movementwhose acronyms represent the different sexual identities involved: transsexuals, bisexuals, gays and lesbians. We bring you a brief summary of the history of the movement that we hope will be one more kick to support the reflection, acceptance and coexistence of all the members of our societies equally.

The month of June is internationally recognized as the time of the year for the main actions and marches to demand and fight for equality of Rights for the people gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. In fact, in a few days we will have Madrid the already traditional gay pride parade.

The greatest significance of LGBT movement It came in the last few decades. But the beginnings of the struggle for the vindication of the gay rights They are between the end of the 19th century and the Second World War. In these times in many countries the homosexuality was considered a crime. The main action of activists consisted of advocating decriminalization, including: Heinrich Hössli, Karl Heinrich Ulrichs Y Karoly Maria Kertbeny.

Somewhat later, the first groups that fought for the decriminalization of homosexuality. were the Humanitarian Scientific Committee and then him Institute for Sex Research and the community of one’s ownall of them in Germany. Although there were differences in politics and ideas between them, they collaborated in the fight for equality. Cultural actions began with meetings, films, magazines and books dedicated to the theme gay, thus gaining spaces of expression within society.

The decriminalization it was approved by the German deputies, but the project was frustrated when the crisis of 1929 broke out. Then, the rise to power of the Game Naziextremely intolerant of any difference, overturned the cultural and political advances achieved by the LGBT associations.