Just two days ago, the ninth general strike was held throughout Spain, which has caused many to wonder how many general strikes there have been throughout the history of democracy, what was the level of follow-up, with which presidents, etc.
For today’s article we are going to base ourselves on the graph prepared by Carlos Martínez of the FinancialRed group in which he shows in a very visual way the moment in which each strike has occurred.
General strike in Spain in 1978
This strike was held on April 5, 1978 when Adolfo Suárez was the President of the Spanish Government, who had been democratically elected despite the fact that the constitution had not yet been approved.
This was convened by the European Trade Union Confederation (CES) and was supported by the UGT, CCOO and together with unions from 28 European countries. The reasons that motivated this strike was the unemployment in Europe that reached 5%
General strike in Spain in 1985
This strike was held on June 20, 1985 while Felipe González (PSOE) was in the presidency of the government.
This was called by CC OO and other minority forces in order to protest against the pension law that had been established and passed from 2 to 8 years. With a follow-up of 4 million according to the unions while according to the government one million people.
General strike in Spain in 1988
It was held on December 14, 1988, as in the previous one, Felipe González was in the presidency.
On this occasion they were protesting against the economic policy that had been established and the youth employment plan.
General strike in Spain 1992
As in the previous ones, Felipe González was in the presidency, and this strike was held on May 28, 1992, which was called by the UGT and CC OO.
The reason for the strike was the cut in unemployment benefits and the demand for the reindustrialization of Spain.
General strike in Spain 1994
On January 27, 1994, a strike called by the Workers’ Commissions, the General Union of Workers, the Workers’ Trade Union, the General Confederation of Labor and the Galician Inter-Union Confederation was held.
Felipe González continued in the presidency of the government, protesting the social cuts.
General strike in Spain 2002
This strike was held on June 20, 2002 and was called by the UGT and CC OO in order to protest against the reform of unemployment protection. On this occasion, José María Aznar (PP) was in the presidency of the government.
General Strike in Spain 2010
This strike was called by CCOO, CGT and UGT to protest against the labor reform, the reduction that there had been for public sector professionals and the freezing of pensions. It was held on September 29, 2010.
General Strike in Spain 2012
This strike was held on March 29, 2012 against labor reforms, government cuts and unemployment. It was summoned by CCOO and UGT
In this same year the general strike of November 14 is celebrated where the labor reform, the high unemployment rates and the government cuts are protested.