In Sobrehistoria we want you to have all the history school projects according to the courses, and although we have already seen those corresponding to 1st ESO, now we have to see those of 2nd ESO and among which the work on High and Low Age stands out Middle Ages and that will obviously be two periods that occur in the Middle Ages.
Points that we will deal with for the work of High and Low Middle Ages
- What was the High and Late Middle Ages
- Society in the Middle Ages
- Art in the Middle Ages
- Work of the High and Late Middle Ages
- Other ideas for your work on the High and Late Middle Ages
- High and Late Middle Ages PDF
- Video of the High and Late Middle Ages
What was the High and Late Middle Ages
- Before starting to make diagrams or maps that differentiate the High from the Low Middle Ages. It is better that you take paper and pencil, or your computer, and make your own summary of these two historical periods in order to be able to carry out a work that is not very extensive but not incomplete.
- In this way we can conclude that these two periods consisted of:
- High Middle Ages: Period of the history of Europe that covers from the fall of the Roman Empire of the West until approximately the year 1000, a time of economic and cultural resurgence. In this period three empires coexist: the Byzantine, the Arab or Islamic and the Carolingian.
- Middle Ages: The Low Middle Ages succeeds the High Middle Ages chronologically and is the period that covers from the beginning of the XI century to the Renaissance, already in the XV century, although for some authors, only this period would be medieval, while the one corresponding to the High Middle Ages would actually be Late Antiquity. Period of maximum expression of feudalism and of maximum power of the Catholic Church.
Work of the High and Late Middle Ages
Once we have made our differential summary between these two periods of the Middle Ages and that we can complete with the third of them, which is known as the early Middle Ages, we can begin to carry out two types of burnings in which to develop all the events, customs and characteristics of each period.
- In the scheme of the High Middle Ages you can develop these points:
Start with the fall of the western roman empire in the year 476. Among the main causes of the fall of the Empire are the siege of the Germanic peoples, the weakening and barbarization of the army, which could not face all the battles that the Empire had to face with guarantees. On the other hand, the social revolts, caused by famines and the devaluation of the Roman currency. Thus one arrives at end of the roman empire. The last emperor was Romulus Augustulus, who was deposed by Odoacer. From that moment the Roman Empire was divided into several Romano-Germanic kingdoms.
During this time, piracy and continuous looting were practiced, especially by the villages. Slavs, Normans, Hungarians or Saracens.
It is a time of great social, political and economic instability. Invasions occur throughout Europe and the population flees from the cities to the villages for fear.
The differences between rich and poor are accentuated and the feudalism. That is, the richest lords allowed others to work their land in exchange for protection. This produced a decentralization of power, which previously resided in kings or emperors, and which now passes to the power of the nobility. These nobles granted the land to the so-called “vassals”, through a synallagmatic contract, which mutually obligated the parties in economic, political or military matters.
During the High Middle Ages, the great power of the Church, which will increase as the years go by. The high clergy were considered privileged social groupsand therefore during this time monasteries, abbeys, churches and cathedrals were built and embellished.
- For the scheme of the late Middle Ages, you can develop these points:
The period from the 11th to the 15th century is called the Low Middle Ages. The year 1492 is usually referred to as the end of the Middle Ages. The Late Middle Ages is also usually divided into two periods. The Full Middle Ages, from the 11th to the 13th century, when the dark age of looting and invasion ends and a time of settlement and development begins; And the Crisis of the Middle Agesduring the sixteenth and fifteenth centuries.
Some new social classes arise, such as the bourgeoisie. They are professionals, artisans, blacksmiths, etc., who work for themselves, they do not serve any feudal lord. Knowledge about science, mathematics or history is greatly developed. The first universities appear. Between the 13th and 15th centuries, more than 50 universities were built in Europe.
During this time there were also some technological advances very important, such as the appearance of the Printing. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the year 1440, although there were already signs of similar creations in China since the 11th century.
The method of teaching and thinking is called scholasticism. In this type of current of thought, reason must always give way to faith. The study is based on respect for what the teacher says and learning by repetition, especially of biblical texts. Also at this time theologians and thinkers of great historical importance emerged, as is the case of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
The Church and Christianity continued to maintain and even strengthen their position of power.
- To your diagrams about high and low middle ages we can add photos or images about these periods and that will help you to complete them.
- On the other hand, you can include some other cathedral model and that they were cultural representations of the late middle ages, for example.
Society in the Middle Ages
If you are going to do a job on the Middle Ages, you cannot miss a small analysis of the society of that time. In the Middle Ages people did not live like they do now, times have changed a lot, and the way in which the social classes they were totally different. We make a small summary for you to take into account for your work
Kings: They were (they and their relatives) the most powerful people in the kingdom. His power was totalitarian and absolutist, that is, the kingdom ruled and ruled over everything and everyone. Many kings exercised a despotic power, that is, they were cruel, unjust and treated the common people as if they were animals.
nobles and knights: The nobles and landowners would be the next in the social scale. They used to be people with land, children of wealthy families, with a lot of money and an important social status, awarded with noble titles (dukes, barons…).
Clergy and religious orders: It was at this time that he had more power. The clergy enjoyed benefits with respect to the common people, similar to those of the orders of knights.
plain town: The vast majority of the population was made up of the lower classes, vassals, peasants, ranchers, servants of nobles and kings. Most lived in almost absolute poverty, surrounded by very bad conditions.
Slaves: If you thought that nobody could be worse off than the common people, know that at that time slavery was not abolished, in fact it was a very common practice among those who were prisoners for some reason (war, religious, betrayal of the kingdom…),
Art in the Middle Ages
Of course, the Middle Ages was also a very important historical period for the development of art. Throughout the 1,000 years of history that comprise the Middle Ages, different styles of painting, architecture or sculpture that still survive today in the form of paintings, sculptures, churches, cathedrals or monasteries.
Among the main architectural styles of this period you can mention chronologically the art Early Christian, Byzantine, Islamic and Pre-Romanesque. There are also numerous well-known monuments in our country that perfectly reflect medieval art, such as Santa María del Naranco or San Miguel de Lillo in Asturias or the Mosque of Córdoba, one of the best examples of art from the time of Al -Andalus.
Video of the High and Late Middle Ages
History Questions and Answers