Hero: definition, types, characteristics and the antihero

We explain what a hero is, his characteristics and the definition of an antihero. The types of heroes in literature and the hero’s journey.

A hero performs acts of kindness in defense of the human race.

What is a hero?

A hero or heroine is a person who stands out from the common people for having accomplished some feat, virtue or feat that is considered of value. For example: A man who saves a family from a fire or a person who defends injustices in his community.

In many cases, heroes are called characters in history who showed courage, defended a cause or stood out in some field or discipline. For example: Simón Bolívar or Nelson Mandela.

The term “hero” It comes from the Latin heroes and is widely used in literature to define the protagonists of myths, tragedies, comics and epics.

From the psychological and social point of view, a hero frames traits or characteristics that every man/woman desires and is admired and held up as an example to follow. The hero stands out for performing a feat or act of kindness towards other people in a selfless way or facing great dangers or challenges and coming out on top.

See also: Joan of Arc

Types of heroes in literature

Many comics feature superheroes.

The figure of the hero takes on different characteristics depending on the type of literary work he stars in. Some types of heroes are:

  • Mythological hero. In ancient mythology, the term “hero” was used to define those beings who were the fruit of a god and a human, that is, demigods. For example: Hercules.
  • tragic hero. In classical tragedies, the figure of the hero was used to define the main character of the work and who has heroic and kind qualities, but due to a misfortune that happens to him, he takes the wrong path and fails. For example: Oedipus Rex.
  • Epic HeroIn epics, the figure of the hero was used to represent the protagonist of the epic and who has outstanding physical qualities that allow him to face obstacles and triumph. For example: King Arthur.
  • Romantic heroIn the works that emerged during Romanticism, the figure of the hero was used to describe the protagonist of the story, who is perceived as someone who does not feel comfortable with the society that surrounds him, who is introspective, arrogant, solitary and is usually an artist and defends his ideals. For example: Don Juan.
  • Super Hero. In fantasy literature, the character of the hero is used to define a person who has supernatural powers and who, thanks to them, performs different works of kindness in defense of the human race. For example: Superman.

Characteristics of a hero

The hero is a figure that is used in real life and in fiction.

The main characteristics of a hero are:

  • He is not usually, until the time of his feat or exploit, a well-known, famous, powerful or rich personality.
  • He is an example to follow for the rest of the members of society, due to his scale of values, his worth and inner strength.
  • He operates in a context in which circumstances are unfair and he must act in favor of justice.
  • He risks his own life to save other people who, in most cases, are people unknown to him.
  • He feels a deep and absolute empathy and, when faced with an act of injustice, he proposes himself as “the only possibility of salvation.”
  • It does not break social or moral laws.
  • He is selfless and acts following his heart and sense of truth.
  • He has a specific enemy. In literature, the enemy is personified as an evil, cruel and emotionless figure. The enemies of social (or real) heroes are usually nature, the state figure or other citizens.
  • He trusts himself and recognizes his abilities and talents. Other people trust him too.
  • He faces dangers that, for other people, are impossible to overcome.
  • They may have certain physical, mental or psychic characteristics and use them to overcome difficulties. Superheroes in fantasy literature usually have powers such as laser vision, physical flexibility, physical strength, among others. On the other hand, ingenuity, intelligence or physical abilities are the powers that heroes in real life use to resolve conflicts.

The hero’s journey

The hero uses his inner strength to save people’s lives.

The hero’s journey is a scheme or structure used in the telling of many stories and scriptsIt was first detailed by American writer Joseph Campbell in his work The hero of a thousand faces (1949).

Campbell analyzed the classic mythological stories and came to the conclusion that they are all built on a common structure. This structure was defined with the name of “the hero’s journey” and is formed by a set of steps or milestonesThese twelve stages are:

  • Ordinary worldThe hero lives in a world he knows and is comfortable in.
  • Call to adventureThe hero is presented with a challenge due to a specific threat or situation.
  • Rejection of the call. The hero does not take up the call out of fear or insecurities.
  • Meeting with the teacherThe hero receives an impulse from someone or something that gives him the strength to respond to the call.
  • threshold crossingThe hero begins the adventure by venturing into something he does not know and realises that there is no turning back.
  • Tests, allies and enemies. The hero faces new challenges and along the way begins to recognize who are allies and who are enemies.
  • Approaching the testThe hero is about to reach the greatest challenge, and at this stage doubts and insecurities may arise again with force.
  • Maximum test. The hero faces this challenge, which can be internal or external, and must use all available tools to overcome it.
  • Reward. Once the test is passed, the hero receives the reward, which may be material or immaterial.
  • The way backThe hero receives his reward and must start the journey again in reverse but focusing on not losing what he has achieved along the way.
  • Resurrection. The hero once again faces the challenge and achieves a definitive transformation.
  • ReturnThe hero returns with everything he has achieved along the way, he is a transformed person.

The figure of the antihero

The enemy desires something regardless of the consequences of his actions.

The figure of the antihero is used in literature to define that character who has qualities antagonistic to those of the conventional hero. The antihero is usually characterized as withdrawn, weak or lonely and seems unprepared to face certain challenges.

However, in many stories antiheroes emerge as protagonists by performing heroic acts, although they usually do so through methods or forms that are not fully accepted by society. In many cases, the antihero carries out heroic actions but does not act motivated by the common good but for personal interests.

The idea of ​​antihero It is often related, incorrectly, to that of a villainwho is the character against whom the protagonist fights and is usually responsible for the injustices that motivate the hero to act and defend the values ​​of justice and peace.

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  • “Hero” in RAE.
  • “Hero” in Cambridge Dictionary.
  • “Hero´s journey” on Wikipedia.
  • “The mythological heroes who gave rise to Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman” on BBC.
  • “Five modern heroes who are changing the world” in Universia.