Great find! Noah’s Ark has finally been discovered

According to a story in the Hebrew Bible, Noah’s Ark was a ship built by the patriarch Noah by order of God to save his family from the universal flood. Over time, many wondered where he would have run aground after the deluge. But now, a group of scientists claims to have made a great find, the Ark has finally been discovered on Mount Ararat in Turkey.

According to the researchers, it is an old structure that is estimated to be more than 4,400 years old. Also, what they found inside matches what would be expected from the Ark.

The Bible narrates in Genesis, its first book, that God commissioned his servant Noah to build a great ark where he should put a male and a female of each species. In order to preserve the animals so that they would survive the Universal Flood and could, later, return to repopulate the Earth. And according to Christian tradition, this huge ark, after the rain, docked at the “Mountains of Ararat”.

That is precisely the name of the highest peak in present-day Turkey, although the Holy Scriptures do not specify the exact place. And it was there, under this huge mountain, where a group of Christian researchers claimed, in 2010, to have found remains of the ship.

In search of Noah’s Ark

In 1959, a Turkish aircraft pilot took aerial photographs of a ship-shaped object in the Ararat Mountains for the Turkish Geodetic Institute. After that, the Dr Brandenburger of the Ohio State University, United States, concluded after studying the photographs: “I have no doubt that this object is a ship. In my entire career, I have never seen an object like this in an aerial photograph.”

An expert in photogrammetry, he had discovered the missile bases in Cuba during the Kennedy administration.

An American team conducted a day and a half expedition to the site. He blasted a hole in the side of the structure with dynamite and concluded that it was not “nothing of archaeological interest”. As they explained, if the object were Noah’s Ark, it would be approximately 4,400 years old, so the wood would have to be petrified, and only a few pieces were found in this state.

The object was more than 200 miles from the nearest sea and 6,300 feet above sea level, which is too high to be the remains of a ship. This was estimated to be due to local flooding. However, the dimensions agree with the biblical description of Noah’s Ark described in Genesis 6:15, with 300 cubes long. The width was greater than that mentioned in the Bible because the sides of the ship had collapsed, which is understandable for a ship of this age.

After the initial excavation, they declared that it was a natural formation, but 17 years later, there was another one. In 1977, Ron Wyatt It came with an enormous amount of equipment: metal detectors, ground-penetrating radar, and various methods of chemical analysis.

With those instruments, it was shown that the ship had three decks. The upper two had collapsed, leaving the lower one, which contained 144 rooms, intact. Walls, cavities, a door near the front, ramps, and large cisterns near the bow were also identified. The scan also revealed four bulges extending from the stern, believed to be stabilizers. Also, petrified animal dung was found, suggesting the presence of large animals that lived on the ship.

Using four different types of metal detectors, thousands of metal rivets were found at the site. In particular, iron was found at regular intervals, making up a pattern of horizontal and vertical lines criss-crossing the ship. Nodules of this material were also discovered at 5,400 locations, showing linear patterns consistent with hull make.

The names of the surrounding places are associated with the biblical description of the flood. The valley is called “The Valley of the Eight”, referring to the eight survivors of the flood: Noah, his three sons, and their wives. A village in the valley is named after “The Village of Eight”, where various giant stone anchors can be found thousands of feet above sea level and hundreds of kilometers from the nearest sea.

McGivern and photographer Pedro Venegas, described the hardships of exploration in that region. And they devoted most of the press conference to the theories that confirm a catastrophic flood that covered the planet about 5,000 years ago

“The spectrographic analysis has identified the material as wood, and this in a volcanic mountain totally devoid of vegetation”

The study of photographers identifies elements and compounds and elucidates atomic and molecular structure by measuring the radiant energy absorbed or emitted by a substance at characteristic wave frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.

This hypothetical discovery will be the cornerstone of a documentary, which will be released soon and in which he will explain the development of his more than two decades of research looking for the mythical ship. What is surprising -if confirmed- is that “the ship is underground, completely”, as indicated by the ‘bounty hunter’. But, for now, the scientific community remains skeptical.

Above the stone anchors are carved Christian crosses from the Crusader period. There are thirteen of these stone anchors and they all lie in direct line with the ship.

This finding, if true, would be extremely important for the believers of the world, because it would confirm the existence of Noah’s Ark. However, some consider that there is not enough scientific basis to declare that this structure is actually the famous Ark.

on the mountain where noah’s ark is stranded

Erected at an altitude of 5,000 meters, on the quadruple border between Turkey, Armenia, Iran and Azerbaijan, a mount adored by historians. According to the Bible, Ararat is the place where Noah’s Ark ran aground after the great flood.

For decades, news about the discovery of parts of the mythical ship has been happening in the newspapers, but all have turned out to be fakes or their origin has not been directly proven.

However, anyone who wants to climb the mountain will be able to see the legendary ark in perfect condition, as if the Universal Flood was about to happen. It is not an illusion, it exists, although in reality it is a replica installed in 2007 by members of Greenpeace as a symbol of hope against climate change.

and what do you think? Is it really Noah’s Ark?


Free Episode: The Remake of Noah’s Ark, with Mark Combs

The tales of Noah, his mighty ark, and the horde of animals that survived the global flood are woven into a fabric of Western culture. But there is new information coming to light that could present us with an entirely different ark to this pivotal moment in human history.

After immersing himself in ancient documents and referring to modern scientific theory, the investigator Mark Combs suggests a new approach to understanding the great flood and Noah’s ark stories. Attending this story as the biblical version for Christians and deucalion for those who are not believers. Without a doubt, it presents an interesting panorama from both points of view, without considering the biblical accounts of Noah’s Ark and the other events that revolve around this fact that dates back thousands of years as lies.

Watch this episode of “Beyond Beliefs” for free on

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