Examples of Bad Jokes

The bad jokes They are those who, despite their lack of ingenuity or creativity, make their audience laugh. In general, this is because they are too absurd or silly. For example: Once upon a time there was a joke so, so, bad, that it hit the smallest jokes.

Jokes are short stories told for the purpose of making their recipients laugh. They usually consist of puns, anecdotes, or comments. These narratives use different resources to capture the attention of the audience and make them laugh. Among them: irony, mockery, puns and parody.

types of jokes

According to the resources that the narrative has, the following types of jokes can be identified:

  • Whites. They are the most harmless. They are designed for all kinds of audiences, including children.
  • green or red. They are designed for an adult audience since their content, directly or suggested, is erotic or sexual.
  • blacks. Its content is cruel. Through ironic or sarcastic narrations, they make fun of characters who suffer from an illness or who are in a disadvantageous situation.

examples of bad jokes

  1. — Which animal can jump higher than a house?
    — Any, because the houses do not jump.
  2. — What is the best cure for dandruff?
    — Baldness
  3. — Do you have books on tiredness?
    — Yes, but now I don’t have. They are all sold out!
  4. – What is the height of a book?
    — Let the leaves fall in autumn!
  5. — My brother has been riding a bicycle since he was five years old.
    – Oh yeah? How far away it must be now!
  6. —What is your favorite dish and why?
    — The deep one, because it fits more food…
  7. A girl asks her father:
    — Dad, what day was I born?
    — November 20, daughter.
    – What a coincidence, it is the same day as my birthday!
  8. My computer beats me at chess, but I beat it at boxing.
  9. — What happens if you throw a duck into the water?
    – Any.
  10. — Why do cows travel so much to New York?
    — To see the muuuusicals.
  11. Once upon a time there was a girl who had such a small mouth, but so small; that to say three, she had to say: “one, one, one”.
  12. — What are 50 physicists and 50 chemists together?
    — 100typists.
  13. — What does a zero say to another zero?
    – We are nothing.
  1. – What is the height of a pharmacist?
    — Let your wife be called Remedios!
  2. — Mom, is there jelly?
    — Well, as far as I know, there is the ‘Latin i’ and the ‘Greek y’.
  3. – Waiter! This steak has a lot of nerves.
    — Normal, it is the first time they eat it.
  4. – Buenas tardes. She wanted a shirt with the phrase of some inspiring character.
    — Gandhi?
    – No, medium.
  5. — Pepito, how do you say “dog” in English?
    — And “veterinarian”?
    – Well, Dog-tor.
  6. — What is the smallest height?
    — The tusk.
  7. A mother tells her children that they are playing in the park:
    — Guys, don’t play in the dirt.
    So the children went to play on Mars.
  8. Once upon a time there was a joke so bad that it stuck to the other jokes.
  9. — What stress!
    – Two plus one.
  10. — Hello, Conchita?
    “No, with Tarzan.”
  11. In a job interview:
    – English level?
    – High or tall.
    – Good. Translate “look”.
    – Great. Use it in a sentence.
    – “Luke I am your father.
    – Hired.
  12. — Professor, what does ‘why’ mean?
    – Why?
    – Because I want to know.

See also: