Examples of animal sayings for children (to think about)

Animal sayings for kids

Proverbs are those limited sentences that are used to set an example, call for reflection or give some teaching. For example: Barking dog does not bite.

Proverbs about animals can offer valuable lessons with a moral for children and be the object of memory games or riddles, due to the attraction that the animal kingdom exerts on the little ones.

As the meaning of the proverbs is not literal, it is important to take into account that many times they are not understood by anyone, but are shared and understood by a certain community.

Characteristics of sayings

  • They are a type of paremia, that is, they are popular phrases transmitted orally.
  • They usually use the rhyming verse form.
  • They are formulated from experience.
  • They try to teach something or give advice to someone.
  • They are limited and with a very forceful meaning.

Examples of animal sayings for children

  1. “It is not as fierce as they paint the lion”. He advises that people should not be judged by their appearance, because what can be unpleasant may not end up being when you meet them.
  2. “Barking dog, little biter.” It suggests that those who threaten and show anger are not always the most dangerous beings, since they are usually the ones who act the least.
  3. “Giving and giving, little bird flying.” It refers to the fact that the things that are promised must be fulfilled and the services that are requested must be paid for.
  4. “To another dog with that bone”. It is used as a response to those who want to deceive a person or manipulate a situation in their favor with arguments that are not true.
  5. “Curiosity killed the cat”. It recommends that certain limits should not be crossed on matters that are not their own.
  6. “Loose lips sink ships”. He warns that sometimes it is better to keep silent or be careful when saying certain things to avoid unpleasant situations from happening.
  7. “With one eye to the cat and another to the scribble.” He affirms that it is important to be attentive to the environment and, while doing certain work, one must be aware of other issues that may occur around.
  8. “We plow, said the fly to the ox”. Criticizes those who take credit for the work of others and assumes that it’s important for everyone to contribute.
  9. “Cat with gloves does not hunt mice”. It alludes to the fact that, to carry out a certain task, one must have the necessary tools to be able to do it successfully.
  10. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”. He mentions that you have to appreciate what you have and not risk it for illusions that may be impossible.
  11. “The old dog, if it barks, gives advice.” It alludes to the fact that children should listen to their elders because they are the ones who usually give the most valuable lessons.
  12. “Don’t look at the teeth of a gift horse.” It indicates that the gesture of the person giving something is more important than the value of the gift itself.
  13. The donkey was not surly, the sticks made it”. Discourages any form of abuse and violence.
  14. “The best hunter loses the hare”. Recognizes that sometimes adults can be wrong because even the most experienced can make mistakes.
  15. “At night, all cats are gray”. He explains that the external appearance of people does not matter, since it is what is found inside that is truly valuable.
  16. “Rooster does not sing, he has something in his throat”. Analyze that if there is someone who does not speak in a conversation, it is because something is affecting them and you should ask about their well-being.
  17. “Don’t get caught in a poke”. It is used when there may be a deliberate deception when giving a product or providing a service.
  18. “The donkey in front, so that it does not get scared.” Mock those who always want to go first and are not respectful of others.
  19. “A skinny dog ​​is all fleas.” It alludes to the fact that misfortunes tend to accumulate in those who are already more vulnerable.
  20. “When the cat is not there, the mice dance.” It refers to the rebellion of some when the authority is absent.

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