Electromagnetic pollution: what it is and its characteristics

We explain what electromagnetic pollution is and its consequences. In addition, we explain its general characteristics and possible solutions.

The abundance of electronic signals causes electromagnetic pollution.

What is electromagnetic pollution?

Electromagnetic pollution is called the excessive presence of radiation from the electromagnetic spectrumElectromagnetic pollution can have negative effects on the environment and cause deterioration in the health of living beings.

Electromagnetic pollution levels have increased significantly in recent years due to the increased use of wireless technologies and electronic devices in people’s life.

However, the actual effects of electromagnetic pollution are a matter of debate: while some studies suggest that exposure to high levels of electromagnetic radiation may be linked to some health problems, other studies fail to demonstrate a direct correlation.

Sources of electromagnetic pollution

Cell phones are sources of electromagnetic radiation.

There are several sources of electromagnetic radiation:

  • Electronic devicesMost mobile phones, computers, televisions, microwave ovens and radios emit electromagnetic radiation.
  • Antennas and telecommunications towersAntennas used for the transmission of radio, television, telephone and other wireless communications services also emit electromagnetic radiation.
  • High voltage lines. High voltage lines used for electricity distribution can also emit electromagnetic radiation.

Types of electromagnetic pollution

Depending on their physical nature and source of emission, two types of electromagnetic radiation can be distinguished:

  • High frequency radiation. Short waves (3 to 30 MHz), it is emitted by electronic devices, mobile phones, radio, etc.
  • Low frequency radiation. Long waves (30 to 3000 MHz), it is emitted by electrical appliances, transformers or high voltage lines.

Electromagnetic fields

Electromagnetic fields are invisible at first glance.

Electromagnetic fields are a form of energy produced when electrically charged particles move through space. They are produced by any object that has an electrical charge, whether positive or negative..

Sometimes magnetic fields come from natural phenomena, such as sunlight or thunderstorms, and other times they are generated by artificial sources, such as radio antennas and high-voltage lines.

Effects on the environment

Artificial electric fields interfere with the migrations of some animal species.

Many animals possess a certain degree of geomagnetic orientation that It allows them to migrate massively at certain times and always maintain the accuracy of their trajectories.According to experts, artificial electric fields could alter birds’ ability to orient themselves and interfere with their migrations.

Furthermore, life forms that live near abundant electromagnetic waves suffer harmful health consequences similar to those that affect humans.

Technological junk

Technological waste can cause physical and chemical alterations in the soil.

Another form of pollution associated with telecommunications and modern technology is technological waste. Every year, tons of waste materials are produced, such as broken computers or cell phones, damaged spare parts or dead batteries.

If there is no good policy for the disposal of these materials, They can contaminate the environment and cause physical, chemical or electromagnetic alterations. on the ground where they accumulate.

Debate on electromagnetic pollution

Electromagnetic pollution is a topic that has generated debate about its impact on health and the environment.

On the one hand, some scientists claim that exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by electronic devices and other objects can have harmful effects on health and cause diseases such as cancer and neurological disorders.

They argue that exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields such as those emitted by cell phones and wireless networks can damage DNA and biological systems in the human body.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that electromagnetic pollution is harmless and that there is not enough evidence to support the idea that it can have adverse effects on health. According to these scientists, the levels of exposure to electromagnetic radiation in daily life are too low to cause harm.

Possible solutions for electromagnetic pollution

It is impossible to get far enough away from sources of electromagnetic radiation.

Prevention is the most important protection against this type of contamination. However, it is impossible to stay away from sources of electromagnetic radiation, since wherever there is internet, mobile phones and radio, this type of radiation will exist.

Some preventive measures against electromagnetic pollution that governments can implement to reduce the risks are:

  • Promote research to understand the true risks of this type of contamination for people’s health.
  • Place antennas and communication towers as far away as possible from people’s homes.
  • Implement rules and regulations to limit the levels of radiation emitted by electronic devices.

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