There are many women and men who use earrings in the ear as an accessory that would never be forgotten in your home. But are all earrings suitable for all people? The answer is no. Although there are many types of earrings, which vary according to color, texture, quality or material, there are some people who are allergic to nickel or other materials and do not know it.
Most fancy ear rings contain nickel; in addition to that they can be part of alloys in pieces of other materials such as silver, for example. And all of this can lead to so-called “allergic eczema,” which causes itching, swelling, redness, and even discharge from the earlobe.
That is why many people can only wear earrings in the ear of specific materials, such as gold or silver or nowadays also surgical steel, a cheaper variant and also effective in preventing infections. Otherwise, the ears can be constantly hurt and eventually that person will have to stop wearing earrings, no matter how cute or cool they may seem.
There are those who say that this can be avoided, for example, by putting a layer of nail polish on the part that goes through the ear, as an insulator; but the best option is always to choose earrings in the ear that, beyond how they look, take care of the ears. And take care of the ears after the new piercings, obviously.
Keep in mind when wearing ear rings that although an injury may seem very small at first, it is still dangerous since in the long run it can cause an infection, and obviously a lot of pain.
Sometimes, small internal pimples also come out that make it difficult later on to use new rings. Therefore, caring for the ears is always key. In this note, find out how to take care of piercings or new earrings.
How to cure an ear infected by an earring?
If you made it this far, you’re probably going through a rough time due to an infection in one of your ears. We know that it can hurt a lot, but also that there is a solution by following a few simple steps:
1. Stop wearing those earrings in your ear even though you like them! The first step if you are wondering how to cure an ear infected by an earring is to remove them and stop wearing them to prevent the condition from getting worse. Then, if you disinfect them correctly, you can give them away to someone who can use them without pain. But you, forget about those earrings.
2. Wash the area with warm water and neutral soap.
3. Soak a cotton ball or gauze with hydrogen peroxide and pass it through both sides of the lobe.
4. Let it air dry, do not use a towel.
5. You can also use some antibiotic ointment to help heal, but it is not necessary.
Repeat this every day or several times a day until you notice that your wounds have healed. It can take a day, two days and even a week. It rarely takes longer than that, so if the infection spreads, it is best to see a doctor to verify that the times are still normal and the wound is part of the perforation.
Last, but just as important as all the steps above: Don’t ever wear those earrings in your ear again!
Earring trends and care
In addition to conventional ear rings, there are many trends and fads that come and go these days, making ear infections more and more normal. Who hasn’t had one before?
Therefore, if you are thinking of wearing earrings in your ear, you have to know how to differentiate what the care for each part is.
In the upper lobe, two, three and even five perforations are usually made. In part, helix piercings are widely used, which can go from one side to the other in the upper part of the ear. Being a very sensitive area, it is essential to test the ring and if it burns, remove it immediately.
In the Counterhelix or Antihelix -between the ear and the face-, the ideal is an earring of no more than 8 mm. If it is heavy, it can generate both external and internal pain.
In addition, now among the latest fashions Tragus and Antitragus piercings stand out. The first is a perforation in the small cartilage located at the entrance of the ear and the other just in the opposite. In those holes it is common to show off a ball or any other very small and delicate option. Being one of the most sensitive areas of the ear, yes or yes you should disinfect the area before placing the earrings in the ear.
The industrial piercing has also existed for some seasons, consisting of two piercings placed in the upper cartilage connected to each other by a “spear”-shaped ring. It sounds quite complicated, but it is one of the most used trends today. Obviously this type of earring also requires specific care.
Undoubtedly, in all cases, consulting with the professional who performs the piercing how to cure an ear infected by an earring is also key to taking action on the matter in the event that it is required. Taking these recommendations and complying with them is always essential.
There are usually many sizes of ear rings. The most recommended to avoid hurting the ear are 8mm, 10mm and 12mm. For special occasions, larger or heavier earrings can be used, but the idea is not to leave them on for more than a few hours. For example, wearing heavy pendants to a party or for a date, but taking them out and letting your ear rest when you’re done.
To choose the correct size it is important to know where the rings will be located in the ear, and what the thickness of the cartilage or lobe is, since this will determine whether the piercing can be used safely.
When the hole is located in the inner part of the ear, you will need to choose a larger size, something like 10mm. If, on the other hand, the cartilage or lobe is thin and the piercing is located in a more external part, the 8mm is recommended.
Finally, the 12mm is the most recommended for the Lobe part. However, you can always try and pay attention to what are the pains or discomforts when wearing earrings in the ear.
On the other hand, when drilling to use a new ring, there are also some precautions and recommendations to take into account. Thanks to this care, both infections and pain can be prevented.
1- Use the ring that the professional placed for the piercing all the time until it heals well. This can be between 45 and 60 days.
2- Do not touch the earring or the area of the perforation and avoid friction with other surfaces.
3- Follow all the indications of the specialist who made the perforation. They will surely include a cleaning routine with swabs and neutral antibacterial soap or physiological serum.
4- Another very important thing is: at the time of daily cleaning, wash your hands with antibacterial soap and warm to hot water and gently rub around the entire earring to remove any dirt. Another variant can be with a cotton soaked in physiological serum.
Now you have recommendations both to carry out when making a new piercing, and to disinfect a wound caused by a new earring. Therefore, what are you waiting for to take care of those ears and show them off as you wish with all the earrings you chose?