Do you know WHO Jesus of Nazareth WAS? *FULL Biography* –

We review the central years of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, going through his work as a preacher, his political and religious ideas and, of course, the dramatic and last days of his life that refer to his passion. Next, we invite you to know the Biography of Jesus of Nazareth.

Without a doubt, Jesus Christ is one of the men who has most profoundly influenced the history of humanity. Your predicament in lifewas transformed after his death and giving rise to a new religion that spread throughout much of the western world through the evangelization carried out by the Catholic Church.

The biography of Jesus of Nazareth comes to us through the gospels, the sacred books written by those who came very close to Jesus Christ and decided to inform themselves and write about his life. In these scriptures it is described Jesus Christ as a peaceful man and away from violencea fairly common feature in the years of the domination of the Roman empire. However, his message was conflictive, since it was opposed to the torah observance that the Pharisees advocated. He also distanced himself from the essenes beliefs and the other religions that were practiced there. Coming from a polytheistic empire, it was not surprising that the believers were scattered in different religions. The only thing that was saved was the Temple of a central role in spiritual life and where no one inside was judged for praying.

Why is he called Jesus of Nazareth?

Along these lines you will learn many facts about this important historical figure. But before getting down to business, surely you have ever asked yourself the Why is he called Jesus of Nazareth?. It is not a question that is often answered when information about Jesus is told. But we want to answer you and clarify this concern.

There are several reasons why the nickname comes to him. The first of these is that in his time it was customary to name a person where it comes from in order to identify it. For example, imagine that in your phone book you have several contacts named “Pepe”. How do you differentiate one from another? Surely you have put some information on it that identifies it, such as: “Pepe, school friend”, “Pepe, cousin”, “Pepe beach”, if it is a friend you see in summer when you go on vacation to the beach, etc. The same thing happened in those days. To call Christ “Jesus of Nazareth” is to allude to the fact that he was from this place, in order to identify him when referring to him and distinguish him from other men who were called Jesus.

Yes, it is true, it is said that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. But is that it was in Nazareth where he lived most of the time and hence it was recognized by this place. In addition, and despite the fact that they have always explained to us about the birth in Bethlehem, the star, the magi and everything we celebrate at Christmas, the truth is that there is no documentary confirmation that her birth actually took place in Bethlehem. What if he went to Nazareth? Historians do not rule it out.

Apart from this there is more ground on which to justify calling this man Jesus of Nazareth. Another reason would be emphasize humble origins of the holy man. And it is that Nazareth is a very humble city and even despised for its poverty. It is not only about presenting a poor Jesus who won the popularity and admiration of the people, but also, in the prophecies of the Old Testament in which the coming of the Messiah was promised, he was described as a man who was despised and rejected, due to his humble origins. It was about relate Jesus to the Messiah promised by the Holy Scriptures.

Where was Jesus from 12 to 30 years old

Little is known about the life of Jesus from 12 to 30 years. It is so mysterious and unknown to us that this stage is called “the hidden life of Jesus.” We know of him, or we are told, that he was born in Bethlehem and that he began his ministry at the age of 30, but what happened to the adolescent and young Jesus until he reached the age of preaching? How was that messianic character of the Child God forged?

The last we know of his childhood is that at the age of 12, Jesus traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover with his family. But after this there is an important gap of 18 years in which Jesus seems to have been swallowed up by the earth. The only information that reaches us is that he lived in Nazareth, as we have explained in the previous section. Everything else is speculation, such as the fact that the child Jesus was educated between the school and the synagogue, as was usual at the time.

There are some historical documents that seem to support the fact that Jesus was also in India and went to Tibet. In fact, Nicholas Notovitcha war journalist, indicated that in the monastery of Hemis Ladakh, they told him about a manuscript in which the life of saint Issa is told, the name of Jesus in Arabic. Following this theory, a book entitled “The Unknown Life of Jesus” was published and was published in 1894. However, there is no dating evidence that this is really what its author says, nor is it that Jesus had actually been there.

The childhood of Jesus of Nazareth

Before knowing him as a preacher, we have to know something more about him, from when he was a child. Jesus of Nazareth born around the year 5 BC, in a stable in Bethlehem, in Judea, when said province belonged to the Roman Empire. Their parents were Joseph (who was a carpenter) and Mary the Virgin.

As we know from the Holy Scriptures, Jesus was “conceived by work and grace of the Holy Spirit«. With this we want to explain the intercession of the Holy Spirit so that the young Mary, Mother of Jesus, became pregnant from the Son of God. And how he Son of God could not inhabit the body of a sinner, she was born without any sin. calling her like that Immaculate Conceptionfreeing her from the original sin with which we are all born.

In addition, despite being married to José, she remained without knowing a man, to the point that they never lay in bed as husband and wife, so her virginity remained intact. Hence the expression virgin mary.

After a time in Egypt, escaping from the persecutions of King Herod, since he heard about this precious child and ordered to kill all males under one year old, the baby Jesus is finally born in the portal of Bethlehem and spends his childhood and youth in Nazareth, in Galilee. He dedicated himself to helping his father José in the carpentry and also spent time studying the Jewish traditions of the time. Such was his curiosity, which is reflected in the Bible, that he regularly went to the Temple to be able to speak with his Father and exchange religious ideas with those who understood the matter. It was at the age of twelve when, desperately, the parents of Jesus were looking for him and managed to find him in the Temple.

Jesus of Nazareth as preacher

Upon reaching the age of 30, he begins his public life, according to the Scriptures, and is baptized by John the Baptist” in the Jordan river. John the Baptist had appointed him as his successor, who recognized him and wanted to give him his role in the world, which was to baptize those who converted to faith in God, but Jesus refused and wanted him to let him do what he came to this world to do. At the age of thirty, he settled in Capernaum, where he begins to preach the “arrival of the Kingdom of God«.

Jesus of Nazareth was a traveling preacher. After passing a series of tests of asceticism, among the population around him, he increased his popularity and also the number of his followers. Among these followers, certain people appeared who stood out among the others and who left everything aside to follow him. They were the twelve men who made up the nucleus closest to Jesus. They were who we know today as the twelve apostles.

Jesus Christ dedicated much of his youth (and his life) to preaching his teachings of God. A) Yes, toured numerous places in Palestine getting them to listen to him all over the world. How could she move so many masses? Jesus of Nazareth spoke and preached with parables, which were facts that reached the meaning of the human being, to make them reflect.

The humblest identified with the word of Jesus and, above all, it added followers due to the many miracles that they said it worked. We have a famous example, such as the resurrection of Lazarus or the transformation of water into the best wine of the party, during the wedding in Canaan.

Despite the admiration of many, Jesus suffers accusations of moral hypocrisy. They accused him of believing himself to be better than his gods and of brainwashing his faithful followers, in addition, of tricking them with miracles. They saw in the preacher a threat that would shake the foundations of his beliefs and his lack of humility in his religions.

He spoke of the coming of God’s Kingdom and its government with love and justice, where everyone will have a place to live in peace. In this way, Jesus Christ is denounced before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate for having proclaimed King of the Jews and Messiahalthough it should be noted that the Kingdom He was referring to while preaching was the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God.

The Empire began to surround him and there was no going back. Jesus knew that his end was imminent, so he gathered his disciples so that together they could celebrate the Passover, in an inn they had reserved. This meeting was The Last Supper. After dinner, Jesus, fearful of what was coming, prayed on the Mount of Olives, trying to summon the strength that he would need for what was coming. Two apostles accompanied him to pray with him, but they fell asleep.

Later, followed by soldiers of the empire, one of his disciples appeared, Judas Iscariot who, for thirty silver coins, handed Jesus over to the Empire, after a kiss with which he betrayed him. This situation begins the Passion of Christa process in which he is subjected to harsh suffering before finally being crucified on the cross.

The last days of Jesus

As we have explained, on the eve of the PJewish ember, Jesus met with his apostles in the well-known “last supper”. In it, he predicted before his followers that he would be betrayed by one of them. Shortly after, after the treason of Apostle Judas Iscariot, Jesus he was captured by the high priest’s guards.

The Jewish religious council found him guilty of blasphemy., before the affirmation of Christ that he was the Messiah. He was sentenced to death. But the Sanhedrin could not apply this penalty without the consent of the Roman authorities who, let us remember, dominated the region. Thus, the Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, agreed to serve the sentence determined by the Jewish authorities. Jesus was tortured and the soldiers tore his clothes, put on his cape. A painful crown of thorns was embedded in his forehead so that he would walk the path to Mount Calvary.

Shortly after expired through crucifixionan execution method used in times…