Since the different networks were added to photography, we have not always had it easy to know the resolution to which we have to export an image in these social networks. Is it useful to export 20MB files just to upload them to Instagram? You will see that it is not necessary.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the resolutions of the different social networks vary, not only because new social networks appear, but also within them. Now we not only have to take into account what resolution we have to make the post for Instagram, but also if we want to make a stories, or put a photo on our profile. The same happens for platforms like Facebook or Twitter.
As users of social networks, at Photographer’s Blog we are aware of this “problem”, so we would like you not to have to dive everywhere to find out what image size to use for each of them.
By the way, if you still don’t follow us on all our social networks, you will like to know that we are on Instagram.Facebook, TwitterYoutube and Pinterest.
Resolution for Instagram
On Instagram you must take into account the size of the images for the profile, the stories, or the publications themselves (depending on whether they are landscape, portrait or vertical or the square proposed by the social network itself). Let’s look at the sizes for each of these options.
Ideal resolution for Instagram profile
When you want to add an image for the profile on Instagram, the most popular social network at the moment, the ideal resolution is a minimum of 110×110 pixels (px) and a maximum of 320×320 px. Remember that the image is converted to a round format when choosing the photo (ideally, you should look for images with the relevant information located in the center of the image).
Appropriate resolution to upload a Post on Instagram
Images in the feed are 161 x 161 pixels in size (thumbnail size).
To publish an image on Instagram, we must bear in mind that this social network distinguishes between different formats since, today, you can already choose between a portrait format (vertical), a landscape (horizontal) and the classic square, each with a specific size:
- Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels
- Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Scenery: 1080 x 566 pixels
Always try to respect the proportions to preserve the highest possible image quality on this social network, since if the aspect ratio of your photo is not compatible, it will be adjusted to establish a compatible ratio.
Portrait, Square, Landscape
Recommended resolution for Stories from instagram
The stories of Instagram adapt according to the device that we are using. Still, the recommended size is 1080 x 1920 pixels.
instagram videos
In the subject of videos we will distinguish between the videos destined to the feed or board and the one of the videos destined to Stories.
- Videos for the feed: 640 x 640 px and a duration between 3 and 60 seconds.
- Videos for Instagram Stories: 750 x 1334 px and a maximum duration of 10 seconds.
- Videos can be both horizontal and vertical:
- Square video: 1080 x 1080 px
- Horizontal video: 1080 x 608 px
- Vertical video: 1080 x 1350 px
- Cover photo: 420 x 654 px
The format must be MP4.
IGTV and Reels
The size for IGTV and Reels is 1080×1920px.
Proper resolution of images for Facebook
As for Instagram, Facebook requires different sizes and these are constantly changing, so if the platform suggests another size when uploading your image, try to respect the proportions that they indicate.
Recommended Resolution for Facebook Profile
For him profile of Facebook you should bear in mind that the image will finally be in a round format when looking for a good composition. This should have a size of 180 × 180 pixels.
Facebook cover image
The cover image it is the one that appears behind the profile image and that acts in a certain way as a background. The ideal resolution for your Facebook cover image is 851×315px.
If you want to create an event, the size of the cover photo for your event should be of 1920 x 1080px. (16:9 aspect ratio)
Facebook Posts
The recommended Facebook post size is:
- Square posts: 1200 x 1200 px
- Horizontal posts: 1200 x 900 pixels
- Photos with links: 1200 x 630 pixels
Always try to upload your images in PNG or JPEG format to preserve higher quality.
Facebook Ads
If you want to promote your business through an ad, it must have an image of a size of 1600 x 628 pixels and for a square image of 1080 × 1080 px.
Videos on Facebook
A 4:5 aspect ratio is recommended, with a resolution of at least 1080 x 1080 pixels, and a file format of MP4, MOV, or GIF.
- The duration of the video must be from 1 second to 241 minutes.
- And the maximum file size of 4 GB.
facebook stories
You must upload them with a size of 1080 x 1920 pixels.
Resolution for Twitter
On Twitter you must distinguish between profile image, cover image, to tweet, twitter cards, or Summary card. As for all social networks, it is recommended to always use the maximum size allowed to achieve higher quality.
Twitter profile
On Twitter, the recommended image size for the profile is 400 × 400 px.
twitter cover
The header image on Twitter should have a size of 1500 x 500 px.
tweet with image
To tweet with an attached image, it must be 1024 x 512 px in JPG, PNG, or GIF formats.
Twitter Cards
For Twitter cards, a size of 800 x 320 px is recommended. In this case, it only supports JPG or PNG formats.
- The recommended size for Summary Cards with photos is 280 x 150 px.
- To attach an in-stream image, the minimum size is 440 x 220px.
Resolution for Pinterest
When we talk about Pinterest, we will see the following sizes: profile, pin, board cover, etc.
Profile on Pinterest
The recommended size for a profile image on Pinterest is 165 x 165 px in JPG or PNG format.
Recommended resolution for a Pinterest Pin
Image size for a pin: between 1000 x 1500 px with an aspect ratio of 2:3.
Cover photo of the boards
Ideally, it should measure 200 x 200 pixels. The thumbnail must be 100x100px.
Publishing for Youtube
To publish on YouTube we will take into account the size for the profile, cover and video.
Ideal resolution for the profile picture for Youtube
A profile size of 800 x 800 px is recommended.
video cover
The cover must have a size of 1280 x 720 px (HD)
Recommended size for Youtube videos
They should be 1280 x 720 px (HD) in size.
Remember that, in general, social networks are constantly changing in size. What you should always keep in mind is to try to respect the aspect ratio that they offer you and the resolution that they suggest. In this way your image will not be cropped or enlarged, thus avoiding loss of quality.
How to modify the image resolution for your social networks
Before I say goodbye, I want to leave you with this article where you will find how to determine the size resolution of an image, in case you don’t know how to do it.
I hope I have helped you with this article. If so, do not forget to share it on your favorite social network. Thank you very much, see you in the next article.