The veins that run through our body carry the blood that keeps us alive through all our organs, carrying oxygen and nutrients. Do you have marked veins on your hands? This is its true meaning
We have this very clear, however, there is something that separates many people in terms of the appearance of their veins. Some people have more visible veins than others, especially on the hands and arms. What is this and why does it happen?
Keep reading to learn more about this curiosity of our bodies, which hides more meanings than you imagine.
The short answer is that sometimes the human body demands a higher dose of oxygen or sugar than it is receiving moment, causing the veins to increase in size to make way for larger volumes of blood.
During this time, the veins do not suffer any damage. They are flexible enough to withstand it without injuring themselves. They are designed to increase or decrease blood flow, and even block it if necessary.
The demand for oxygen and nutrients does not always occur spontaneously, we can notice that the veins are also more marked when making some physical effort, and after a few hours they return to their normal size.
In the cases of thin people, the marked veins are quite striking, but it is not an ailment or disease, it is simply a hereditary characteristic or a lack of fat in the body to hide them.
However, we must not fail to consider that they can also be an indicator of some disease. You must be aware of how often they appear, and if they do it when we have not made any physical effort. You also take note of the time it takes for them to disappear. If you think they appear abnormally and with a lot of consistency, see a doctor.
Some diseases that can cause dilated veins are high blood pressure or some others related to thrombophlebitis.
It shouldn’t always be alarming to look at your hands and notice the swollen veins, but if you notice any pain or sensation of heat or burning, this is not normal at all and you should go to a specialist to check your health. The rest of the time, it may just be your body shape.
Why do veins protrude from the skin?
Generally, protruding veins are very common in people accustomed to intense exercise routines. These may stand out more when the person is in full physical activity, then return to normal, although a little more prominent than in other people who do not exercise.
On the other hand, thinner people have blood vessels “more swollen” without exercising. This is due to the accumulation of oxygen in the veins or blood. Protruding veins are completely normal and nothing to worry about.
Excess fluids also cause the veins to bulge. When you drink a lot of water, the tissues swell and hence the feeling of density and swelling.
Fortunately for us, the material of the veins is not rigid, but it is quite flexible. This allows them to be folded, locked or enlarged without any difficulty.
Varicose veins?
It should be noted that any superficial skin veins can become varicose, that is, twisted and enlarged. But, the ones that are most often affected are those of the legs. Since standing and walking with an upright posture increases the pressure in the blood vessels in the lower part of our body.
risk factors for varicose veins
There are many factors that can become a risk for veins that become varicose. Here are the most common:
Aging causes natural wear and tear on the valves in the veins that help regulate blood flow. Finally, it causes the valves to allow blood to flow back into the veins, where it pools instead of flowing back to the heart.
Women are more likely to get varicose veins, especially from hormonal changes during menstruation or menopause. This is because female hormones tend to relax the walls of the veins. Hormonal therapies, such as birth control pills, are another risk factor to consider.
During pregnancy, the amount of blood in a woman’s body increases. This change supports the growing fetus, but it can also produce an unfortunate side effect: enlarged veins in the legs.
If there are records of relatives who suffered from varicose veins, there is a greater chance that one can also develop them. If you already have them, it is recommended to maintain self-care such as exercising, elevating your legs, or wearing compression stockings if necessary to help ease varicose vein pain and prevent it from getting worse.
Being overweight puts extra pressure on the veins and they can develop into varicose veins.
- Standing or sitting for very long periods
Blood doesn’t flow all that well if you’re in the same position for long periods of time.
When could it become a danger?
It should be noted that veins will become “dangerous” when their appearance changes in strange ways or when skin reactions appear over the veins. Such as sores or just pain. Permanent clots are a sign of poor circulation. In these cases, it is best to visit a doctor.
Why do we see blue veins?
As we have all been able to appreciate, the wall of the superficial veins usually looks bluish. But why does this happen if the blood is red?
The answer is that we see the superficial veins in a bluish color due to an optical effect produced by the skin. Namely, veins only appear blue when they are located approximately 0.5 millimeters below the epidermis. This is so because the white light that is formed with all the colors of the spectrum penetrates to this depth and makes us perceive the color of the veins as blue.
Thus, the thinner the skin and the less subcutaneous fat, the more bluish the veins show through the skin.
deep and superficial veins
The main types of veins are those of the deep venous system that go inside the body and that carries the vast majority of the flow of venous blood (>90%). These veins usually go in intimate relationship with muscle groups, that compress them and perform the function of a peripheral heart, to ensure the return of blood to the heart. The veins of the superficial venous system, which run under the skin, are usually visible.
The bipedal position is the main enemy of the venous circulation. Unlike other animals designed to be bipedal like birds, the human being comes from quadrupeds that have decided to opt for bipedalism.
The difference between the lower extremities of an ostrich and ours are remarkable. We must return the blood from the feet to the heart, which we achieve largely with the activity of the muscular pump and the plantar pillow.
The most favorable position for the return of blood to the heart is the one we have when we are lying down (and the ideal would be when we are swimming, lying down, moving and submerged in a liquid).
How to have healthy veins
a balanced diet, rich in fibers and fluids, limited in calories and salt is beneficial. Constipation worsens venous pathology. A balanced weight, daily, frequent and moderate physical exercise is beneficial. However, some exercises such as carrying heavy weights with sustained abdominal contraction or explosive exercises in standing after a period of static standing are not highly recommended.
Walking, swimming and cycling are usually recommended. Walking on soft surfaces such as sand or grass, especially if accompanied by a massage by waves or by a hose or sprinkler, is usually highly recommended.
Warning: In no way the information provided by replaces medical care. The goal of these articles is to offer useful knowledge to foster personal development.
For the Curious