Diane Kruger told how the casting for Troy was: “I felt like a piece of meat”

The legendary movie “Troy” was a 2004 Warner Bros. blockbuster. In it, Diane Kruger played the character of Helena. However, after that remembered film, the actress described that at that time, not everything went in the best way.

On the occasion of the SXSW festival, where the actress presents her new series Swimming with sharks, she referred to the abusive producers she had to face on the way to becoming a Hollywood star.

Photo: Warner Bros.

The plot of her new series revolves around a young assistant who will have to manage in a company with manipulative and abusive bosses, including Kruger herself, and although the actress will play this role, it reminded her of the experiences she herself lived through.

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Diane Kruger recalled the situation she experienced during her casting for “Troy”his first big job in the industry: “Definitely, I came across the ‘Weinsteins’ of the scene from the beginning”.

Photo: Warner Bros.

“I remember auditioning for ‘Troy,’ I had to go dressed as Helen of Troy and I felt like a piece of meat. It was uncomfortable and unpleasant. They looked me up and down as they asked me ‘Why do you think we should cast you in this role?’”

Although Kruger refused to identify the Warner Bros. executive who may have carried out these acts, the truth is that It is not common for an actress to have to go to a producer’s office in charactersince for that there are screen tests, which are handled by a professional team.

“I’ve been put in situations that were so inappropriate and so uncomfortable… I think when I started, I felt like that was it. That’s Hollywood. I come from the world of fashion and believe me, it also has its moments”.

Photo: Warner Bros.

His new role doesn’t shy away from committing nasty acts at the behest of his superiors. In fact, he makes reference to a sexual scene that he must do under pressure from his boss in fiction, Donald Sutherland.

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“Shooting that scene was just a reminder of how disgusting and acceptable bad behavior was at a certain time in our society, not just in Hollywood.”. Despite having remembered and said that, she was grateful to be in a “Hollywood of 2022”.

Photo: Roku.

Swimming with sharks will be released on April 15 by streaming, Roku.

Source: UPSOCL.