Dermatologists explain which are the 10 best vitamins for your skin

The skin protects the body from everything. It acts as a force field against factors such as extreme temperatures or excess humidity and dangerous chemicals. Therefore, it is important to keep it as healthy as possible and avoid damaging it.

Vitamin and mineral supplements can help fight cell damage that accelerates signs of aging and other skin conditions, such as eczema. Also, when it is not healthy, there may also be other areas that suffer from it.

By nourishing our skin from within, we can stay younger and have more energy. These are 10 o’clock most important vitamins that dermatologists recommend to keep the skin radiant and rejuvenated.


As one of the most important vitamins, vitamin A or retinol is useful for all major layers of the skin. It helps maintain collagen levels and thus protects cells from sun damage. It also helps heal superficial wounds and helps the oil glands around hair follicles function.

Vitamin A promotes healthy cell regeneration. This results in fewer wrinkles and may even help fight the development of skin cancer when applied topically.

You can get vitamin A from a healthy diet. You’ll find it in dark green leafy vegetables, as well as orange and yellow fruits and vegetables. It is also present in eggs and fortified milk and cereals. Additionally, it can be taken as a supplement and is an ingredient in many anti-aging creams.


We cannot underestimate the value of the powerful antioxidant content in vitamin C. In the skin, vitamin C helps build and maintain the proteins in collagen. It also fights free radical damage and the sun’s harmful rays. May help prevent or lighten age spots when used topically.

As with many skin vitamins, vitamin C or ascorbic acid can be found in many dietary sources. In addition to citrus and other fruits, you’ll find it in broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, tomatoes, and potatoes. Many skin care products list vitamin C as an ingredient, and every multivitamin contains it as well.


Vitamin E is also an important antioxidant known for its healing properties. It has long been recognized as one of the most important vitamins for skin health.

Vitamin E works together with vitamin C to strengthen cell walls. It also helps protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and damage from free radical molecules. This vitamin helps prevent dryness and inflammation and may also help fight skin cancer.

You can get vitamin E in your diet by eating nuts and seeds, especially almonds and sunflower seeds. It is also found in spinach, broccoli, and sweet red bell peppers. Additionally, it can be consumed as a supplement or in many lotions and other skin care products.


The best known source of vitamin D is sunlight. If you live in an area with lots of nice, sunny days, you’ll find it fairly easy to maintain the recommended levels. You only need 10 minutes of exposure each day.

It helps produce healthy cells throughout the body and is one of the key vitamins for skin maintenance. It can help maintain skin tone and prevent some conditions such as psoriasis.

Although it is nearly impossible to replace the effects of sunlight itself, vitamin D can also be found in dietary sources. Fatty fish, cheese, eggs, and fortified foods contain vitamin D. It is also included in topical skin care creams and lotions or as a topical oil.


While this vitamin may not be mentioned as often, it is very important to the process of blood flow and clotting, thus helping to heal wounds with minimal scarring. It can also promote healing of stretch marks, spider veins, age spots, and under-eye circles. It can be used topically to treat rosacea and reduce bruising and swelling.

Vitamin K deficiency is rare. It can be eaten in many green leafy vegetables and in broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and, in smaller amounts, in fish, meat, and eggs. It is included in many creams developed to reduce scarring after surgery and encourage healing of other skin wounds.


Vitamin B3, or niacinamide, is also a powerful antioxidant in the list of vitamins for skin health. It is often used in creams to treat acne or other breakouts.

It is an essential vitamin, which means that it is not naturally synthesized in the body. Studies have shown it to be helpful for certain skin cancers. Plus, it can help heal damaged cells, improve hydration, and contribute to a healthy glow.

Peanuts provide a good source of vitamin B3. Meat, legumes and seeds also contain it. Portobello mushrooms also provide a good amount of this important nutrient. The vitamin can also be found as an individual supplement or in topical form.


Zinc is such an important mineral for the outer layer of the skin that it is important to list it along with the vitamins. Strengthens cell walls and helps heal injuries.

The mineral can also act as an antioxidant to protect and repair damage caused by UV rays. A shortage of zinc can cause a rash that doesn’t respond to moisturizers or steroid treatments.

Zinc is also an anti-inflammatory with many of the same properties as vitamin A. It has been extensively studied for its use in fighting acne. It also helps treat skin conditions like eczema and rosacea.

Zinc is an essential mineral found in meat, dairy products, legumes, and nuts. It is included in most multivitamins and topical creams.


A very important dietary consideration for healthy skin is omega-3 fatty acids, as they help nourish skin from within, keeping it firm and supple and preventing wrinkles. They may also help fight the growth and spread of skin cancer and inflammation. Fatty acids contribute to the construction of strong cell membranes, maintaining the protective barrier

Seafood is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts are another good source. Omega-3 can be found in some topical creams, but is most effective as part of a balanced diet.


Like the last two nutrients listed, sulfur is not a vitamin. However, it is important for skin health for several reasons. First of all, because it has antibacterial properties that can help control the overproduction of oil in the skin. It is also antifungal and antibacterial, making it a natural acne fighter.

Sulfur can be used as a facial mask to cleanse and exfoliate pores. It can be irritating, therefore it is advised to do a small patch test before applying a mask or other topical cream.


Polyphenols are antioxidants found naturally in some of the foods we love, such as chocolate, grapes, pomegranates, and green tea. Recent research suggests that polyphenols may be powerful in rejuvenating the skin. They can help repair signs of aging and help fight skin cancer and other UV damage. Some consider them as essential as the vitamins mentioned above for the vitality of the skin.

Polyphenols are found in many plant-based foods, including dark chocolate. Berries, beans, and nuts are also among the top foods rich in these powerful antioxidants. They can also be found in a variety of skin care creams and treatments. Polyphenols can help our skin deal with daily stress from exposure and pollutants to maintain a healthier, more youthful appearance.

Important: It should be clarified that Bioguía does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, Bioguía does not assume responsibility for these acts. The site is intended only to provide information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.


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