This article is aimed at those who are thinking of doing a degree in History, Geography or History of Art, because we are going to tell you what the Degree in History, Geography and History of Art at Isabel I University is like, the most relevant information about its study plan and the main characteristics of this center.
History is one of the careers that attracts the most public, although sometimes it tends to remain as a hidden passion and displaced to a hobby or many wait to take it as a second career or when they have already retired. Whatever your case, if it is your first option or if it is your second option, we tell you what this university can offer you
What does Isabel I University offer?
Isabel I University is located in Burgos and offers online and blended training. In the case of the Degree in Geography and History, the training is online and the exams are face-to-face, being a degree that lasts 4 years.
The study plan of this degree integrates the three fundamental pillars of the field of humanities: history, geography and history of art; which means a broader training and the opportunity to expand job opportunities. At the same time, a fact that has seemed essential to us in these times is that they also have a subject to learn to apply ICT to the professional fieldjust as you will learn communication techniques and professional communication in english.
In addition to four years of theoretical training, you will also have practices from the first year. The first three years of internships deal with professional initiation and are taught online, being annual subjects. The fourth year external internships are carried out that can be carried out in museums, prestigious research centers, archives, or other institutions related to the discipline, all of them so that you can put your knowledge into practice and begin your professional career.
A fundamental aspect of any training is who imparts said training, which I recommend that you always keep in mind since their role can become decisive in your passion and learning of a subject, or in this case, of a profession. From the Isabel I University they report that their faculty is highly qualified, that they have consolidated scientific trajectories in the different areas of knowledge and have even participated in research of great international impact.
Degree in History, Geography and History of Art What are the professional opportunities?
On many occasions, when one chooses a career, it is because he is clear about what professional opportunity interests him, on other occasions it is the other way around, he knows what he wants to study, but not what to dedicate himself to. In this section we share the professional outings that offers you a Degree in History, Geography and History of Art according to the Isabel I University:
- University professor
- Information treatment and analysis activities
- Physicians, curators and assistants of archives, museums and libraries
- Media Collaboration
- Cultural advice in institutions and companies
- Activities in public administrations, particularly in interpretation centers and others of a cultural nature
- Management of natural and human resources
- Conservation, exhibition and market of works of art
- Management of historical, natural, cultural heritage in the institutional and business sphere
- Territorial planning and management in institutions and companies
- Geographical-historical and art history research
In the event that you want to be a teacher of the specialty of Geography and History within a teaching center of the ESO, Baccalaureate or Vocational Training students, after completing the degree you have to do the master’s degree so you can teach.
Training in history and art history can also open up a space for you within the field of sightseeing, both nationally and internationally, it all depends on what your interests are.