Customs: origin, representatives and characteristics

We explain what costumbrismo is, its main characteristics and how it originated. In addition, we explain its representatives in Europe and America.

Costumbrismo was an artistic movement that portrayed the traditions of each region.

What is costumbrismo?

Costumbrismo is an artistic movement from the early 19th century after Romanticism. He stood out for representing the folklore of a social group or a region.that is, the customs and scenes that were part of the tradition of each place.

The movement emerged in Spain and then spread throughout Italy and the rest of Europe and, starting in the mid-19th century, throughout America. The word customs derives from Italian and the term habit means “fashion” or “style”.

It was a trend that manifested itself in painting, theater and, especially, in literature with a simple expressive approach (without analyzing or judging the situation) that reflected everyday life.

Costumbrismo was affected by the great discoveries and scientific advances of the 19th century that occurred in an accelerated manner. The fact of vindicating certain customs was necessary to reinforce the identity of European society in a context of great changes.

See also: Picaresque novel

Characteristics of costumbrismo

Among the main characteristics of customs, the following stand out:

  • Was a artistic movement started in Spain in the 19th century that spread throughout Europe.
  • Manifested in painting, theatre and, especially, in literature.
  • It represented everyday life and the habits of a society in an expressive way.
  • Represented the search for one’s own identity social.
  • Was influenced by rapid technological advances from the time of the Industrial Revolution.

Origin of customs

The origin of the costumbrista artistic movement It manifested itself, especially, in the Spanish literature of the mid-1800s.. It turned out to be a time when transportation inventions allowed people to move from one region to another.

The new lifestyle was a topic of interest to capture in literature and to to spread the customs of each place, with a certain romantic and picturesque stylesuch as the exodus of peasants to work in the city and the bourgeoisie, which was a new social class that emerged with the Industrial Revolution.

The 19th century marked the beginning of a period of intense social and political changes in Europe and the start of the process of decolonization towards independence in Latin America. Art and, in particular, the costumbrista literature of America highlighted the nationalism and traditions of its land.

Representatives of costumbrismo

Ricardo Palma was one of the most prominent authors of Latin American costumbrismo.

Among the main European literary representatives of the costumbrista movement are:

  • Alejandro Pérez Lugin (1870 – 1926). He was a Spanish writer, journalist and filmmaker who stood out for his work in a sentimental style of manners, such as the novel The house of Troy 1915. Several of his works were adapted for film.
  • Armando Palacios Valdés (1853 – 1938). He was a Spanish writer and literary critic, representative of the realist movement. He stood out for his traditional works, such as: Martha and Mary from 1883 and The sister of Saint Sulpice of 1889.
  • Cecilia Böhl de Faber and Ruiz de Larrea (1796 – 1877). She was a Swiss writer who lived in Spain and signed her work with the pseudonym Fernan Caballero. She is considered the promoter of the renewal of the Spanish novel.
  • Emiliano Ramirez Angel (1883 – 1928)He was a Spanish novelist and poet who stood out for novels such as: Eyes open, Scenes from the life of a poor man from 1916 and She and he are looking for each other from 1927.
  • José María de Pereda (1833 – 1906). He was a Spanish writer and novelist who stood out for his novels of manners, such as: La Montalvez from 1888 and Rocks up of 1895.
  • Juan Valera (1824 – 1905). He was a Spanish writer who stood out for the realism reflected in his novels and his work: Pepita Jimenez of 1874.
  • Mariano José de Larra (1809 – 1837). He was a Spanish writer and journalist considered one of the most renowned representatives of Romanticism and one of the founders of the costumbrista movement.
  • Pedro de Répide (1882 – 1947). He was a Spanish writer and journalist and the first representative of the Corps of Chroniclers of Madrid. He stood out for his works The Madrid of the grandparents from 1908 and The streets of Madrid.
  • Serafin Alvarez Quintero (1871 – 1938) and his brother Joaquin (1973 – 1944). They were Spanish poets and playwrights known as the Álvarez Quintero brothers who stood out for dramatic works such as: The right eye from 1897 and Flowers from 1901.

Among the main American literary representatives of the costumbrista movement, the following stand out:

  • Eustaquio Palacios (1830 – 1898). He was a Colombian writer and politician who stood out for works such as: Esneda or mother’s love of 1874 and The royal ensign from 1886.
  • Jorge Isaacs Ferrer (1837 – 1895). He was a Colombian novelist and poet who stood out for his works to my homeland from 1864 and Popular songs and couplets published in 1985.
  • Jose Eugenio Diaz Castro (1803 – 1865). He was a Colombian writer and novelist who stood out for his novel Manuela from 1856, considered the work that started the artistic movement in his country.
  • José Joaquín Vallejo (1811 – 1858). He was a Chilean writer and journalist considered the first representative of his country’s customs.
  • José Milla y Vidaurre (1822 – 1882). He was a Guatemalan writer considered one of the founders of the novel and historical narrative in his country.
  • Juan Vicente González (1810 – 1866). He was a Venezuelan writer and journalist considered the first representative of Romanticism in his country.
  • Rafael María Baralt (1810 – 1860). He was a Venezuelan writer and poet who stood out for writing the first dictionary of Gallicisms in Spanish.
  • Rafael Pombo (1833 – 1912). He was a Colombian writer, poet and diplomat who stood out for works such as: The poor old lady from 1854 and Little Shepherdess from 1867.
  • Ricardo Palma (1833 – 1919). He was a Peruvian writer representative of Romanticism and costumbrismo. He stood out for his short fiction stories and Peruvian traditions.
  • Thomas Carrasquilla (1858 – 1940). He was a Colombian writer who stood out for his simple and representative works of costumbrismo, such as: Fruits of my land from 1896 and At the right hand of God the Father of 1897.
  • Jose Manuel Groot (1800 – 1878)He was a Colombian writer, historian, journalist and painter who stood out for reflecting his variety of interests and specialties in his literary works, such as: Ecclesiastical and civil history of New Granada of 1869 and God and country: selected articles from 1894.

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