Cumin tea: what are its benefits, uses and properties

Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is an umbelliferous that can provide many health benefits, it is commonly used in popular medicine. Surely you have already seen it, especially in the kitchen, however, in its seed there are many advantages that we will talk about today. In this post you will know what are the benefits, uses and properties of cumin tea or cumin broth, as it is also known.

The cumin herbaceous plant can grow up to 40 centimeters tall and is very aromatic, its leaves are divided into threadlike segments and its flowers are pale pink or white. The most common is that he is identified as originally from Egypt, but he is actually from Greece.

What is cumin tea good for?

To the cumin It is often used for digestive disorders and as a general tonic. It has virtues and aperitif, carminative, antispasmodic, digestive, diuretic, slimming properties, among others. But let’s talk more about advantages that can be achieved with cumin tea.

cumin tea benefits

– Allows the detoxification of the organism.

– It is possible to use it in a treatment of digestive disorders.

– Improves liver function.

– It’s antiseptic.

– Rich in phosphorus, thymol, iron and vitamin E.

– Encourages the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, allowing the body to absorb important nutrients from food.

– It can be a powerful laxative if large amounts are taken.

– Capable of curing lesions in the rectum.

– Improves digestion, increasing the secretion of bile.

– Eliminates gases.

– Relieves diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. Because it is an expectorant, so it reduces cough.

What is cumin tea used for?

Cumin tea is one of the most used home remedies for severe abdominal pain, also for cramps. Among the properties of this tea, it is also found that it is capable of helping the treatment of urinary tract infectionsThis is due to its richness in iron, the same that helps in the treatment of anemia.

When talking about the properties of cumin tea It can also be mentioned that it can also act as a treatment for insomnia or other sleep disorders. On the other hand, being rich in vitamin E, it is recommended to strengthen the hair and improve the skin, including insect bites.

Can you drink cumin tea during pregnancy?

One point to note about cumin tea is that it contains caffeine, so limit the amount during pregnancy. This is because it is a substance that could cross the placenta and affect the baby’s heart rate. In this case, it is recommended to consult a specialist if it is prudent to take it and in how much quantity.

The tea can be taken by adults and children.

How is cumin tea prepared?

To prepare cumin tea you can use:

2 tablespoons of cumin.

400ml of water.

Juice of half a lemon.

Bring the water to a boil and then turn off the heat, add the cumin, stir and let rest for 10 minutes. Then you can add the lemon juice to taste. You can drink it warm, filtered or not.

cumin tea for lactation

To increase milk production, nursing mothers can make an infusion with cumin, 10g, Galician, 40g, green anise and fennel seeds, 20g each, horsetail and white pennyroyal, 10g each. one. From this mixture, separate a tablespoon per glass of water. Water is boiled for two minutes, allowed to stand for 10 minutes and the cup is drunk half an hour before breastfeeding.

Properties of cumin tea

Cumin is a good source of manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6. It has minerals such as zinc, copper and potassium. Moreover, it is rich in amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fats and fatty acids. It is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. A daily cup of cumin tea may be able to help you meet your daily nutrient requirements.

What precautions are there in the use of cumin?

In general, consumption is very safe, but care must be taken when it comes to essential oils, because there are some contraindications. This is due to the estrogenic effect, which is not recommended in cases of hyperestrogenism. It is best to consult your doctor before starting to consume it.

Cumin essential oil should also not be consumed by pregnant or lactating women. It should also be avoided in children under 12 years of age. Others who should avoid the use of cumin essential oils are patients with gastritis, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, liver disease, neurological diseases, etc.

That simple species that can be found in the kitchen can be of great help to health. Did you know how powerful cumin tea can be in our body? If you like teas, we recommend that you read a very interesting article that we prepared for you about chamomile.

Remember that it is always good to seek advice from a health professional before starting to ingest any home remedy or natural infusion. Especially when it comes to children and pregnant women.

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Sources: The horicultor, Webconsultations, Bodymind