Contemporary Novel: context, references and characteristics

We explain what the contemporary novel is, its characteristics and the historical context. Furthermore, the difference with the classic novel and more.

The contemporary novel emerged after the Second World War in 1939..

What is a contemporary novel?

A contemporary novel It is a literary work written in prose that relates an action with the purpose of provoking a reaction in the reader. It is a narrative subgenre longer than the story and presenting a complex plot in which several characters intervene, at a certain time and place.

The contemporary novel It was one of the literary styles that emerged after World War II. of 1939, as a result of political changes, social movements and economic crises. This type of genre was a way of escape from such an oppressive and uncertain reality, used by authors and readers as a means to release their feelings.

See also: Detective novel

Characteristics of the contemporary novel

The contemporary novel appeals to subjectivity and the deepest emotions of the being.

The contemporary novel is characterized by:

  • Having emerged in a context of wars and popular uprisings that unleashed great social repressions. At the same time, great technological and scientific inventions were created at that time, such as the radio and the automobile.
  • Use the questioning the use of reason as the only way to explain the world and the alienated individual in the new industrialized society.
  • Use individualistic and subjective theories to understand what science cannot explain.
  • Put emphasis on the subjectivity of the individual and the inner search, appealing to the deepest emotions.
  • Use plots related to social conflictsthe loneliness of the human being, the existential anguish of the postmodern individual, among others.
  • Include antihero type characters that break with the parameters of what is expected.

Contemporary Novel vs. Classic Novel

The contemporary novel is characterized by telling stories based on real events or credible stories.with important characters and multiple narrators. Uses scenarios from the current era or modern, so it does not usually include science fiction novels.

After the horrors of war, people felt that God did not exist, which led the population to a meaningless life. Through their contemporary novels, writers sought to confront this reality. Human beings began to question their subjectivity and the novel was a way of reflecting this inner search. through the multiplicity of voices and different approaches.

Instead, Classic novels are characterized by telling themes that can correspond to any era.They tend to use universal resources that adapt to a very wide audience of readers, which is why they become classic or popular stories that remain relevant over the years.

Classic novels span several decades of different historical moments and are notable for a unique narrative artistic quality that distinguishes them from other literary works.

Main references of the contemporary novel

Novels by authors such as Vargas Llosa stood out in contemporary literature.

Among the main references of contemporary novels are:

  • Camilo José Cela (1916 – 2002). Spanish novelist and journalist, author of works such as: “La familia de Pascual Duarte”, “La colmena” and “Viaje a la Alcarria”.
  • Miguel Delibes Setien (1920 – 2010). Spanish novelist, member of the Royal Spanish Academy, author of works such as: “The Heretic”, “The Shadow of the Cypress is Elongated” and “The Holy Innocents”.
  • Gonzalo Torrente Ballester (1910 – 1999). Spanish novelist and professor, author of works such as: “Los gozos y lasshadows”, “Javier Mariño” and “Filomeno, a mi spite”.
  • Luis Martin Santos (1924 – 1964)Spanish writer and psychiatrist, author of works such as: “Time of Silence”, “Grana gris” and “Condenada belleza del mundo”.
  • Carlos Fuentes (1928 – 2012). Mexican writer, author of works such as: “The Death of Artemio Cruz”, “Aura” and “The Most Transparent Region”.
  • Salvador Novo (1904 – 1974). Mexican writer, poet and essayist, member of the Mexican Academy of Language, author of works such as: “Nuevo amor”, “La estatua de sal” and “Nueva grandeza mexicana”.
  • Gabriel García Márquez (1927 – 2014). Colombian writer and journalist, author of works such as: “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, “The Colonel Has No One to Write to Him” and “The Autumn of the Patriarch”.
  • Mario Vargas Llosa (1936 – present). Peruvian writer, author of works such as: “The City and the Dogs”, “Conversation in the Cathedral” and “The Green House”.
  • Isabel Allende (1942 – present). Chilean writer born in Peru, author of works such as: “The House of the Spirits”, “Of Love and Shadow” and “Paula”.
  • Julio Cortazar (1914 – 1984). Argentine writer and translator, author of works such as: “Hopscotch”, “Historias de cronopios y de fames” and “Bestiario”.
  • Alejo Carpentier (1904 – 1980). Cuban writer, author of works such as: “The Kingdom of this World”, “The Age of Enlightenment” and “The Lost Steps”.

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