Conservatism: values, classification and characteristics

We explain what conservatism is and what values ​​it defends. We also explain its general characteristics and how it is classified.

What is Conservatism?

Conservatism is known as a set of social, ideological and political positions contrary to the notion of radical change (Revolution) and progress (progressivism), in favour of the defence and perpetuation of the family and religious values ​​of the status quo, or at most of a gradual and very controlled change. This, in some cases, may even mean a return to historically outdated regimes and orders (reaction).

In economic matters, conservative doctrines They historically opposed the free marketa position that changed in the 20th century when it merged with liberal economic tendencies, in defense of the prevailing capitalist system.

In this sense, conservative positions They tend to approach the ideological spectrum of the right or the center-right.that is, resistance to social change. They tend to be popular among the wealthiest sectors of society, reluctant to lose their benefits, but they are not positions exclusive to any socioeconomic stratum.

See also: Absolutism.

Origins of the term Conservatism

The term conservative It emerged at the beginning of the 19th century to describe positions contrary to the libertarian ideas of the French Revolution of 1789, as well as those of the Enlightenment, or in defense of the so-called Ancien Régime.

It was introduced into the political vocabulary of the time by the French diplomat, politician and writer Chateaubriand.

Conservative values

Traditionally, conservatism has defended certain social, political and moral positions that could be summarized as:

  • Centralism. Maintain a political power structure with a clear core from which decisions are made.
  • Religiosity. The defense of the Church and religion as necessary institutions for society.
  • Order. The call for order and stability is central to the conservative vision, which often labels movements for social change as anarchic.
  • Tradition. Family and local values ​​often have a privileged place in conservatism.
  • Nationalism. The exaltation of the local often accompanies conservative thought, opposed to the cosmopolitanism of left-wing ideology.

Conservative economy

The economic stance of the conservative sectors merits a separate point.
Traditionally it was the one of a protectionist economywhich favored local landowners and went hand in hand with nationalism.

However, the changes that capitalism and contemporary times introduced into societies fostered a new conservative stance, which He preferred the free market and little interference from the State In economic matters, against the progressive sectors that called for social protection measures and state mediation against large international capitals.

Types of conservatism

Depending on the position regarding the role of democracy, it is possible to distinguish between two types of conservatism, which are:

  • Moderate conservatism. Also known as centre-right or liberal conservatism, it is supposed to be a modern conservative tradition that has accepted democracy as a form of government, has little connection with religious values ​​and much more with those of nationalism and the free market.
  • Reactionary or extreme conservatism. It constitutes the so-called “reaction” against the libertarian movements inherited from the French Revolution and the Enlightenment, more attached to values ​​of the Ancien Régime such as religion, tradition, authority and fidelity to traditions.

Conservative currents

Another way to distinguish between the various conservatisms is by referring to their origin, determined by their historical moment and their geographical location, as follows:

  • English conservatism. Its central figure was Edmund Burke, who proposed the utopian impossibility of a State such as that pursued by the French Enlightenment, that is, based on human reason, preferring a return to Christian values ​​and social naturalism. Without denying the need for social change, this movement questions its necessary speed.
  • French conservatism. Opposed to the minimization of religion and monarchical institutions imposed by the French Revolution, he clung to his traditional values ​​and ultra-nationalist postulates, giving rise to numerous right-wing parties.
  • German conservatism. The first “modern” conservative movement was the German one. Starting from the principle of social inequality and poverty as an element that must be resolved, a reformist State was promoted that knew how to adapt to the times and thus avoid any need for violent changes.
  • Neoconservatism. Also known as “neocon”, it emerged as a reaction to the American counterculture of the 1960s and was later exported to other countries such as Japan, the United Kingdom and even the Czech Republic. It promotes individualism, the free market and the defence of capitalist democracy at all costs.

Religion and conservative thought

As has been said before, religiosity and the ecclesiastical institution (especially the great Western Christian churches) play a vital role in conservative thought, not only because it considers that Religion is a determining factor in the composition of society and the continuity of its social (and therefore political) role must be guaranteed, but also because conservative thought, at different levels, clings to the metaphysical values ​​traditionally proposed by religion as the “intrinsic” or “transcendent” values ​​of man, above those that come from collective political and social agreements.

Differences with liberalism

The opposition between liberalism and conservatism dates back to the beginning of the modern age and has been the fuel for numerous political confrontations throughout history, often leading to civil wars, as was the case of the young American nations at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. The differences between the two models can be summarized as follows:

  • Liberalism is based on individual and social freedom as the ideal of things, while conservatives advocate order and control.
  • Liberalism advocates the cosmopolitan values ​​of equality, fraternity and liberty of the French Revolution, while some conservative currents prefer traditional nationalist values ​​and natural law.
  • Liberalism and progressivism promote social change as a value per se, while conservatives cling to traditionally prevailing structures.

Political conservatism

Today, the term “conservative” can be applied more or less synonymous with some of his fundamental ideas of respect for authority and a paternalistic, strong State, contrary to the individualistic model of liberalism.

In this sense, the term is used not only to designate right-wing ideologies, but those systems in which it is verticalizedthe relationship between the political order and its citizens becomes hierarchical and rigid.

Thus, it is possible to call conservative initially revolutionary systems of governmentlike the Stalinist Soviet Union or Fidel Castro’s Cuba.

Social conservatism

Another application of the term “conservative” has to do with certain positions of rejection regarding individual freedoms linked to social issues, such as certain contemporary debates on the decriminalisation of abortion, social demands for the homosexual or sexually diverse population, or the legalisation of marijuana. These positions are not necessarily accompanied by a reactionary ideology or a conservative economic approach.

Conservative liberalism

This term is used to refer to the most conservative sector within liberalism, that is, the current of the contemporary right.

Its postulates are inserted within a liberal free market economy (laissez faire or “let it be”) and the naturalization of social inequalities as something intrinsic and inevitable of the human condition.