Communicate effectively – Academy of Consultants

Communicating effectively is key, both for our most personal facet and for the professional field. Whether it’s exchanging opinions with our family, friends, team, clients… and in different formats, from writing to putting ourselves in front of a camera. As we said at the beginning of this paragraph, effective communication is key, and although it is not something easy to achieve, in this post I will tell you how to do it to attract our ideal clients.

make them pay attention to you

To communicate effectively it is important to say everything you need in a short time. The attention of your public will not be eternal nor will it always be on a regular basis. It’s important to say the right words to the right people, but you shouldn’t forget to say the right thing to the right people in the shortest possible time. Following this last recommendation will lead you to create a powerful and effective message for your brand. Many companies carry out noisy strategies, in order to reach an endless number of clients, but it is not the recommendation that we are going to give you, it is not valid for valuable communication. You have to have a language that is close and similar to the audience you want to reach, that is where the difference with your competitors will be noticed: you do not cover a general public, you want to capture the attention of your ideal audience.

Understand the language of your customers

It is interesting that you take into account what would be the correct way to create a business. You may be wondering why I am telling you this when I really should be talking to you about how to communicate effectively. You see, when people start a business, the last thing they do is look for an audience that connects with their product or service, when it really should be the other way around. The first thing you have to do is understand and approach your ideal client, take their side so that they are attracted to it, observe from their perspective. And don’t forget the persuasion! It is another of the infallible techniques to get the attention and communication with your clients in a satisfactory way

The perspective

You cannot pretend to engage the audience, communicate with them or even sell them any of your products or services if you cannot position yourself from their perspective. If you have a service business for a luxury public, but those around you are lower-middle class, you will understand that you are not going to achieve success. However, do not give up, any company can reach the public it wants if it takes the trouble to research its client idea and manages to put itself from their perspective.

It is also related to the perspective of your ideal audience and how to effectively communicate the use of keywords. For example, if we follow the previous example and you have a service business focused on an upper class, you should not use terms such as “discount” or “offer”. These are words that are far from the jargon of your ideal audience. What would you have to do then? Focus your speech or your sales copy on accentuating luxury, on making them feel exclusive and VIPs when they hire you or consume your services. That content will be focused on your ideal audience, on their jargon.

Communicate effectively with familiarity

In this aspect, you have to investigate what your audience is experiencing so that you can focus your message and all your brand communication on it. With the Internet we have access to a multitude of information, so get your batteries on and start looking: what your ideal customer does in their free time, what they read, what entertainment they consume… Then focus your message on all those aspects that get them to sit in an atmosphere that is familiar to you, that is comfortable. It is important that, even if your audience is very wide, you do not label them in the same group. There are different avatars for which you will have to make a specific communication for each of them, trying to locate what points they may have in common.

How to communicate effectively with style

Surely it has happened to us many times, being in a clothing store and seeing something that catches our attention in the crowd. The same thing happens with your website, your social networks or even your emails. You have to look for a shape, a style, that represents the essence of your business, but that also makes you visible and attractive to your customers. In this podcast We give you the keys to focus on creating your website, your digital epicenter. Try to understand what your ideal client likes and get them to focus all their attention on you when they see your style.

But do you know how you could practice effective communication and get results fast? With a podcast! Vilma Núñez has created a guide that tells you how to create and launch your own podcast in 7 days or less. Practice now!